The Willingness To Hear

JULY 16, 1980, 5:54 AM

You did hear Me this morning, o son. You awoke and heard, and you thought it was an invention of your mind. Still, it persisted, and here you are… listening and writing. And from this you shall learn more of Me and My Kingdom… which is BOTH infinite in scope and also within you.

Not everyone can hear as you hear, but there is much that anyone can hear, blocked only by willingness. And willingness, of course, involves belief in the authenticity of Me and My forces… but belief is nurtured by willingness to hear. It is an eternal circle, with those who have belief and faith possessing more capacity and willingness, really, to hear My Voice and those with less belief having less willingness to hear and therefore knowing less of Me.

It is true of all realms of learning. Your willingness to hear those who are expert in a field, directly or through their writings, is a key factor in what you learn about that field. You could learn more if you read My Scriptures with more dedication and openness. In that realm you are not an eager learner. But you are attuned directly to My Spirit, and you hear and write… and therefore learn of Me in this way. The combination would still be better. It shall come.

You have heard the admonition, “Many are called, but few are chosen.” This really contains two truths. The first is that many (and that truly means all) are called to hear and to serve Me. But while all are called, theoretically, some have such little capacity and willingness to hear that, in effect, the call is unheeded. You will encounter some such people in your Fall study… those who do not hear and do not want to hear. To these, tell a story… yours or another, and learn from their responses about unwillingness.

The other truth is that few are chosen, which sounds negative. So put it “a few are chosen.” A few, like unto yourself in some ways and as diverse as My nature in others, do hear, almost whether they are willing or not. This is partly purposeful on My part… My purposes are accomplished through people, and you could say that I need certain developed spirits to effect certain consequences. It also is partly just a matter of fellowship. You have a fine letter that you finally wrote and are finally sending out. You are selecting who shall receive it. Some choices are almost automatic, but with others it is… some shall, some shall not. You select on the basis of your own feelings and desires for further fellowship. I do also. Is not that a proper way for a Holy Spirit to function? Well, it certainly is one way.

JULY 16, 1980, 5:54 AM

You did hear Me this morning, o son. You awoke and heard, and you thought it was an invention of your mind. Still, it persisted, and here you are… listening and writing. And from this you shall learn more of Me and My Kingdom… which is BOTH infinite in scope and also within you.

Not everyone can hear as you hear, but there is much that anyone can hear, blocked only by willingness. And willingness, of course, involves belief in the authenticity of Me and My forces… but belief is nurtured . . .

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