The Woes Of Living

MON., JULY 4, 1988, 6:55 AM

I am being patient with you, o son, but in respect to the woes of living I find you to be a slow learner. You are in the midst of writing and producing a Ruminations, so you are immersed in your spiritual story and in many of the Teachings I have offered you. This should help in your perspective on woes or troubles, but it doesn’t seem to have any immediate effect. In the midst of this meditation, in communion with Me, your view of life is more positive, but, still, in the midst of a trouble you do lose perspective.

Your cows were out, and you must now fix the fence again. This should be no great woe. This is part of your present lifestyle, and is just an occasional challenge. You showed little appreciation of the walk in the pasture under a bright moon, and you should have
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Your body still works well, and you should be more appreciative of that. The times that your cows are out are very seldom in relation to their dutiful presence. You know the problem and you’ll have to deal with it… and positively.

Remember this: you have so few life problems that you should savor the ones you have, for, as you recall when you finally pass on over, earth life with these challenges is quite a special way to live. Other realms are peaceful, without stress and trouble. Earth life is different, and should be appreciated for that difference.

I repeatedly offer you this insight, and you continue to reject it, in the active situation of woe. You are improving in seeing troubles in perspective, but I push for a more immediate performance. As I have told you, and as you know well, you have mostly successes and mostly good times. When you consider the lives of the majority of the world’s people you must see how fortunate you are. This life of yours has been planned and “orchestrated,” but still you have many choices, and you have done rather well with the plan that you helped devise. The basic challenge is to live a comfortable, useful life with appreciation…and, certainly, perspective on the few woes you have.

This is a time of drought. Rains do not come, and the fields dry up. You cannot change this, so you must deal with it positively. You must provide food for the animals until the rains return. It’s not ideal, but it is a minor woe. You even have the means to do this, and, yes, you must continue to manage your herd in relation to the feed. But do this with, yes, a merry heart, rather than with a dour attitude.

You realize, happily, that one of your seemingly everpresent woes is not having time for all of the positive things you should do and like to do. I’ll remind you of an old proven maxim – don’t fret about what you’re not doing if what you are doing is worthwhile. You could have done many other things yesterday, and yet your day was full of positive, worthwhile actions. You set your priorities, and you know what they are. Continue to approach these in a happy, positive way. It is not truly a woe to have much of consequence to do.

You would glory in having nothing to do but read, putter, and “waste time.” Those who have such a situation often find it to be a woe. You may experience this at sometime, and will then long for the time when you had much to do. Appreciate each moment and each stage of life, not wishing for something else. Now this doesn’t rule out remembrance and anticipation. These are special gifts to humans – the capacity to remember what was and to consider what may be. However, these are gifts, to be enjoyed sparingly.

MON., JULY 4, 1988, 6:55 AM

I am being patient with you, o son, but in respect to the woes of living I find you to be a slow learner. You are in the midst of writing and producing a Ruminations, so you are immersed in your spiritual story and in many of the Teachings I have offered you. This should help in your perspective on woes or troubles, but it doesn’t seem to have any immediate effect. In the midst of this meditation, in communion with Me, your view of life is more positive, but . . .

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