The Wonderful Healing Process

FRI., SEPT. 10, 1982, 5:30 AM

Your thoughts, musings, even prayers, lead you to think of your Mother and the terrible sickness you experienced her having just a month ago. Now word comes that she is recovering, and so what would be more appropriate then a teaching on the wonderful healing process that is one of My creations… of which I am most proud. When the Holy Scriptures tell of healing it usually is of the rapid, “magical” miraculous sort. Hear, o son, of the process.

The world that I created has hurts. Some of these are purposeful in order that growth might occur, but most are just the natural “side effects” of the interactions within this creation. Humans can be reckless, careless, even irresponsible, which can bring hurt to self… and, unfortunately, also to others who have been more cautious, careful and responsible. This may not seem fair, but the earth could not have been the unique realm I purposed it to be without this quality of danger.

However, I also created the wonderful healing process. It is a complex interaction of systems, affected by the rational mind and also the emotions… affected by the social and physical environments… and certainly affected by the extent of spiritual development. To counter the dangers, then, each person has a God-given capacity to heal and return to functioning again, sometimes “as good as new.”

You experienced your Mother developing a sickness. It was of the mind, but it certainly affected her whole being. (Part of the cause, of course, was the failure of the healing process to work perfectly or overlong. Her teeth could no longer heal and had to be removed… and her eyes can benefit little from healing.) The sickness was pervasive. Her own healing processes could not overcome, and you experienced the coming victory of the sickness.

But there is a medical treatment that can abet the healing process, can give it a better chance. It was available, and you helped to arrange so that it came to bear on her condition. The demons that plagued her mind and challenged her spirit were beaten down with the power of electricity. And now the healing process has a better chance.

This process and the result it produces is not an all-or-none or a once-and-for-all-time phenomenon, obviously. It is part of the rhythm of life, which means that it is in constant competition with the forces of sickness and deterioration. In the earth plane it never has a final victory, for the end of each being, from the smallest creature to the wisest of humans, is physical death. The Preacher proclaimed, “All is vanity, and a seeking after wind.”

FRI., SEPT. 10, 1982, 5:30 AM

Your thoughts, musings, even prayers, lead you to think of your Mother and the terrible sickness you experienced her having just a month ago. Now word comes that she is recovering, and so what would be more appropriate then a teaching on the wonderful healing process that is one of My creations… of which I am most proud. When the Holy Scriptures tell of healing it usually is of the rapid, “magical” miraculous sort. Hear, o son, of the process.

The world that I created has hurts. Some of these are . . .

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