The Word Is Love

SAT., NOV. 9, 1991, 6:08 AM

Your son, John Patrick, who now is putting these Teachings of Ours on computer discs, talks of repetitive themes. Truly, as you know, I have repeated often certain themes and concepts. But the major truth that I want you to retain is that the fullest expression of My Word is Love. Again, not all Christians would be comfortable with this, as I shall explain it.

I created the earth and its inhabitants as a kind of “experiment.” I breathed an immortal soul, a part of My Spirit, into some human forms and created unique creatures, man and woman. After they had developed, both righteously and sinfully, I chose a particular small group, by present world standards, to love. They alternately delighted and aggravated Me, but I was faithful to them. I foretold, in a few rather obscure ways, that there would be a Messiah, Who would come to lead them.

The Old Testament records a lot of wrath and a lot of displeasure. What is obscure and somewhat hidden is that I was coming to love… really love… this creation of Mine and the diverse humans that developed, including, of course, the Jews. So when I came to earth in human form, as the baby Jesus, I did so because I loved the world, and I wanted to be part of it, incarnated. The Jews had become too morose a people, so I came to lighten them up and show them the more loving way.

The Testaments of My life as Jesus are fine, but the writers emphasized more My few outbursts against the unloving nature of certain Pharisees than the expressions of love I had for all that I was experiencing. There aren’t the “Jesus smiles”… “and Jesus laughed uproariously”… and Jesus, in the great love he had for us, smiled and said…” There should have been more Scriptural passages like these.

I really did come to love this world in a fuller way than before I was here as Jesus. That sounds almost blasphemous… that I was not the fullness of love from the beginning. I just say to you that My love took on another dimension after My earth life. I, as the Holy Spirit, benefitted from this, of course, for all that Jesus experienced I experienced.

Now what does this mean, as the heart of the Gospel message to you, this day? Human life in the earth is a great opportunity to love. Focus on the loveable. Love the fact that, in this cool season, you can see the sky through these nearly barren branches. Love the way your body works so well, rather than focusing on the few defects and slight pains. Love the good news that often is obscured by the bad news of harm and destruction.

This is rather easy for you, for you are in a long and lasting love relationship with Lenore, and your sons have turned out to be loveable men, as are their wives and children. You love this Farm, and you love your work and the students you have. You show forth love to and for them, and generally, they respond, in love. Keep this in mind as you begin the series in Survival. You have an opportunity to be the one who speaks out of love both for the earth and for human life. You do this well, but just be a bit more conscious of the role I want you to play… as the person I want you to be.

Judgment and criticism are sometimes necessary (or so it seems), but they do work against love and acceptance. At your age and with your experience have no negative thoughts about the tasks you give students and your approval of what they do in such. Loving and approving just is superior to judging and disapproving. Be assured that there are many who do these latter well, and I love them too. You just need not be one of these.

SAT., NOV. 9, 1991, 6:08 AM

Your son, John Patrick, who now is putting these Teachings of Ours on computer discs, talks of repetitive themes. Truly, as you know, I have repeated often certain themes and concepts. But the major truth that I want you to retain is that the fullest expression of My Word is Love. Again, not all Christians would be comfortable with this, as I shall explain it.

I created the earth and its inhabitants as a kind of “experiment.” I breathed an immortal soul, a part of My Spirit, into some human forms . . .

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