The Word Of The Lord… Is…

SUN., OCT. 17, 1993, 5:40 AM

The Word of the Lord is… a lamp unto your feel and a light unto your path. It is that which makes other words clear and meaningful. It allows you… even energizes you to see your own feet AND your own path more clearly than without it.

The Holy Scriptures are the Word, and this still causes some doubt in the truth with which I, the Holy Spirit, have commenced this Teaching. You are not as well acquainted with this aspect of the Word as you should or could be. You know this, and I know this. Then I’ll admit that you are more diligent and dedicated to this Word than many of your fellow Presbyterian Christians. So I both chide you and praise you… but mainly I encourage you to read and study this ancient story, with the faith that it shall be that lamp and that light that it promises to be.

But, as I’ve told you before, the Bible is only a representation of Me, the Lord Christ. Though I speak to you as Holy Spirit, I am fully One with the Lord God and Jesus the Christ. The individual names are, finally, unimportant. We are One, even as We are Three.

As I translate this to The Word, this term then takes on a Triune nature of its own. The Holy Scriptures, from Genesis through Revelation, are The Word. As We speak to your spirit in various situations you receive the Word as the lamp and the light, as you walk this path in your everyday life. And then you have the additional, personal, specific Word that comes by way of these Teachings, which address your life and your culture quite directly. You can wonder as to how many Presbyterians would be as willing as you to listen, to hear, and to write as you have. How many clergy would accept the discipline necessary to receive this Word? Yet I still call you only above-average, for you do fall short in many ways. And still I, the Word, come, offering you the Word.

Part of Our liturgy requires you to write what you hear, whether you would say it “this way,” or not. You are not to edit, except for obvious mistakes. Unlike the Bible, which has been edited and translated numerous times and ways, these Teachings must remain “as is.” If a correction is necessary or warranted I shall make it in a subsequent Teaching… and you notice that there have been few of such corrections over the years.

You shall continue to be reluctant to proclaim that pages such as these are The Word, according to The Holy Spirit. If I want you to overcome this reluctance, in ways other than Our Ruminations, I shall surely let you know, in ways not too subtle. They are part of the Word, just as I am “part” of the Godhead, the Lord God, the Supreme Power and Fullest Love in all of Creation. How’s that for a strong affirmation?!

SUN., OCT. 17, 1993, 5:40 AM

The Word of the Lord is… a lamp unto your feel and a light unto your path. It is that which makes other words clear and meaningful. It allows you… even energizes you to see your own feet AND your own path more clearly than without it.

The Holy Scriptures are the Word, and this still causes some doubt in the truth with which I, the Holy Spirit, have commenced this Teaching. You are not as well acquainted with this aspect of the Word as you should or could be. You . . .

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