The World Moves On, But…

TUES., JULY 24, 2001, 7:00 PM

… you, as a retiree after a fine career, stand along the “sidelines” and let it pass. There is not much about the “world” of your sons and their families, that you even try to envision, that is greatly attractive. In all honesty, you feel that life in these years that you have had, exhibited, and enjoyed life has been “as good as it could be.” Even some of the conditions of life now seem overdrawn, unnecessary, “false progress.” And you’re not truly old, yet by “your culture’s standards.”

But then I’ll say, and you will mostly agree, that, by the “numbers criterion,” you’re not yet old, at 75… but by the dominant social criterion, if you’re retired, as you are, you are old. Now… if you were still serving on committees, volunteering for active tasks, going more regularly to the office, the church, and other foci for activity, you would be more likely to be classed as an “active oldster.”

Oh, you haven’t “completely retired,” for you still go to town and still show some of the activity and involvement that characterized your working life. But, honestly, you’re not “keeping up” with the areas of your “field” that were of most interest to you. You probably won’t participate in another national convention, even as such was one of the hallmarks of your professional life. Oh, it might be fun to possibly go to a convention and just “hang out” with those who are retired… just “talk story” with any of the old-timers there… if there were any. But the notion of “presenting” in a session (other than on retirement as an “aspect” of health) has little appeal. “Been there… done that” is the appropriate response.

Oh, I see that you’re not unhappy with the world as you now observe it and interact with it. You choose not to become a “computer geek,” even as you recognize the value of this relatively new technology, essential to this modern world. You recognize that this “inability” makes you less an active part of this culture, but you accept this, with an “equinimatus” smile. It’s OK to be “left behind.”

But you are not convinced that this “brave new world” is a great improvement over the world that has been yours to “inhabit” and enjoy. Is it sustainable? Can the increase in population continue, as a good? Can the physical environment of this small planet (small in relation to the increasing number of humans) adapt to more humans… and to how these humans want to live? You realize that your lifestyle here is not the dominant model for your culture… and you smile at this, hopeful that you can maintain this “style” for the rest of your earth life. There is a way, then, that a downturn in your economy could be helpful in maintaining this “less developed” lifestyle. You don’t expect Southern Illinois to become a “hotbed” of progress and innovation… and so you hope.

… but you have little desire to be part of “progress.” You managed to keep up with “changes,” as they were introduced during your active life, accepting some, rejecting others. Now even some of what you have accepted seem to be unnecessary… “progress to what”? This is a true sign of “getting old.”

But that’s what you’re becoming, and remember the admonition “This above all, to thine own self be true.” You have no great desire to move into a “new, better world.” You are satisfied with this one you’re in… and it is a “good one.” I can’t convince you that any “newer” culture will be better – worthy of giving what you have up for such change.

TUES., JULY 24, 2001, 7:00 PM

… you, as a retiree after a fine career, stand along the “sidelines” and let it pass. There is not much about the “world” of your sons and their families, that you even try to envision, that is greatly attractive. In all honesty, you feel that life in these years that you have had, exhibited, and enjoyed life has been “as good as it could be.” Even some of the conditions of life now seem overdrawn, unnecessary, “false progress.” And you’re not truly old, yet by “your culture’s standards.”

But . . .

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