The World Of “Tomorrow”

FRI., MAY 28, 1999, 6:20 AM

There is a future for this planet, called Earth, with its varied forms of life. It is the only place where humans can live, comfortably and without sophisticated technology. Or so it has been.

You read predictions about how life will be “tomorrow,” and some are optimistic and some pessimistic. What do I, Holy Spirit, say about the future of this life-filled orb? I, as the Triune God, have powers that can determine how earth life shall be. Yet I also can foresee consequences of actions, consequences that can solve one problem but create others. So, mostly, I am more interested in and work with individual lives rather than micro-managing “the whole thing.”

I will say that I foresee a future with more catastrophes than there has been in “your era.” But remember, always, that deaths, from My perspective, while seeming to be tragic, are a necessary aspect of on-going life. As I have told you, quite often, death is just a “move” from one realm to another. Oh, there are consequences for the way any one life has been lived, but Our judgment uses spiritual growth as its main criterion. And human judgments about what conditions are most responsible for spirit growth are often not accurate.

I needn’t try to explain how this all works. It is complex, even for Me, and beyond the understanding of even the best… and most developed… of you humans. Oh, I help some of those who make predictions about the future, and I have no need to be consistent. Does it surprise you that I enjoy hearing “all sides”?

Of course I see the problems that increase with the continuing growth of the human population. When this is combined with the desires and the capacities to live life more “comfortably” I see excessive use of limited resources and increased amounts of waste that, yes, “must go somewhere.” There is increased competition for these resources, with still too much desire, by some, to live in affluence… with little concern for how this affects others.

Oh, there is some truth in the optimistic position that human ingenuity and better technology can solve… and even avoid… problems that are now evident or envisioned. I do guide some with special capacities to make “discoveries” and implement these, for the good of some portion of humanity. And then I see, of course, that “there is no such thing as a free lunch” (a bit of “semi-Scripture”?)… when one portion of humanity gains some other portion loses… or at least can’t make similar gains.

I certainly don’t approve of all that is being done and being planned for this optimistic future. I do prevent some plans from being implemented, for I can frustrate as well as assist. As I have told you before, there is much that “could have happened,” but didn’t. Yet this earth realm is quite a special one, in which much spiritual growth can take place… because there is also the chance for loss. Other realms don’t have this range of possibilities. Some souls do very well here in the earth, but not always ones you see as “successful.” Some Kosovars are making more “spiritual progress” than some middle-class Americans… and, then, some are not.

The world of “tomorrow” will develop after you have moved on. Will you then return for life in some different circumstances than these you’re now experiencing? For while “tomorrow” will include more sophisticated technology there will also be much relative poverty and “simpler living.” Some people will live longer, with both desirable and undesirable results. There will be more deaths, but also more births.

FRI., MAY 28, 1999, 6:20 AM

There is a future for this planet, called Earth, with its varied forms of life. It is the only place where humans can live, comfortably and without sophisticated technology. Or so it has been.

You read predictions about how life will be “tomorrow,” and some are optimistic and some pessimistic. What do I, Holy Spirit, say about the future of this life-filled orb? I, as the Triune God, have powers that can determine how earth life shall be. Yet I also can foresee consequences of actions, consequences that can solve . . .

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