The Year Ahead

FRI., JAN. 1, 1988, 12:28 AM

The year that lies ahead, considering earth time, shall be an interesting one for you. It shall not be particularly outstanding, but it shall have a nice comfortable, spiritual flow… and some frustrating moments like the one just experienced. These, like this one, shall seem preventable and the result of carelessness, but also you shall see, increasingly, that they are of little consequence in the course of this year… or of life. (12:37)

You have received a message from Me in yet another way this morning. It was a familiar one – read and study the Scriptures more diligently – and so you still wish for the way to be motivated to fulfill this admonition. I realize I have to offer some appealing way, for you have the desire, but it is not sustained. We shall “work on” this.

This has been a good time with members of Lenore’s family. Family times together shall be satisfying, but I also encourage you to develop the balance… that you had this Christmas. Friends like unto you in spiritual and professional ways are a desirable balance. Continue to cultivate these relationships, particularly the ones with which I am involved. Remember that spiritual kinship is as necessary and as satisfying as that which stems from blood and marriage.

The Farm to which you shall go back is into its winter season now. Yet there is organizing and planning that shall make the season of rebirth one of greater value. Your basement could be of much more utility and pleasure if you clean, organize, and construct as you sometimes plan. One full day in your study could restore it to the beauty it should have, which should then encourage you to maintain it in better order. Days shall come when working on the garden-to-be shall be appropriate. Even as winter is a time of rest and restoration I urge you to be a good steward of this time. Once again see the balance with the other seasons.

Your Ruminations should come forth with regularity in the year ahead. Yes, I shall suggest the theme in plenty of time for this first one of 1988. I urge you to complete the organization of Teachings for the last two years, and then read these carefully. From this reading shall come forth a theme, related, in some way, to your sabbatical project. Its composition shall bring forth some real joy to you.

One balance for the year ahead to which I have hinted I shall clarify. On the one hand I would have you experience life quite fully, with feelings that range from exhilaration to sadness… to anger… to depression. When you are living an earth life, live it fully as a human, with the range of human reactions to life events. At the same time, but complementing rather than supplanting what I just recommended, look for the spiritual growth opportunities and increasingly know that times of negative feelings are as important as the joyful and exciting ones. I say again… you shall have plenty of “time” to function as pure spirit, without the “complications” of earth life. Don’t give up what you have before you have to.

The year ahead shall see movement toward some economic changes in your culture and in the world. My major influence shall be in forestalling destructive warfare, fueled by the frustration of economic difficulties. These shall center mostly on the maintenance of an affluent lifestyle by a portion of your culture, a lifestyle that I see as unnecessary and wasteful. I shall not be responsible for any economic “crunch” this year, but I also shall not be preventing such. Continue to live as frugally as you do, and continue to give generously to those who need what you have to give. Now that as you give, not grudgingly or of necessity, it shall come back to you in many ways.

FRI., JAN. 1, 1988, 12:28 AM

The year that lies ahead, considering earth time, shall be an interesting one for you. It shall not be particularly outstanding, but it shall have a nice comfortable, spiritual flow… and some frustrating moments like the one just experienced. These, like this one, shall seem preventable and the result of carelessness, but also you shall see, increasingly, that they are of little consequence in the course of this year… or of life. (12:37)

You have received a message from Me in yet another way this morning. It was a . . .

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