
FEB. 18, 1981, 5:35 AM

You are quick to accept this title, o son, for one of your greatest desires is that these teachings have some “substance”… be not just about practical, mundane matters. This morning that desire shall be answered, and you can then decide how willing you are to have others like this. Hear some words about theology.

You don’t know much about theology, really, so it shall be hard to accuse you of writing down just what you already know. Still, these teachings are not another Course in Miracles, and they do not miraculously give you information, concepts, and words you have never had before. Rather, it is, basically, the further development of concepts you already have encountered.

Theology is concerned with the nature of Me. I affirm My nature as being functionally triune. I am God, the Almighty, Everlasting, Omniscient, and Holy (These are not the only descriptors… just a good sample). I give purpose and direction to the universe, and most particularly to the earth, which I created for humankind and other obviously visible forms of life. I keep My plan functioning and I influence and supervise as needed for My purposes. I do not meddle unnecessarily, but neither do I keep strictly “hands off”. My interventions are usually quite purposeful. Occasionally, pure whimsy. Being God is serious and I am responsible. At the same time it is fun, and I enjoy a joke from time to time.

I also affirm to you that I came to the earth in human form and lived for a time here as Jesus of Nazareth. The most important understanding here is that, because of this incarnation, I know some things about human persons that I couldn’t quite have known as just the Creator. On the other hand it is also true that He who was Jesus became at one with Me. I inhabited Him completely and He became Me completely. Don’t worry about “which is it?” It is both, for certain.

Then, too, I manifest Myself as the Holy Spirit, the active teacher and counselor of beings, with many diverse manifestations. I come to you in a most direct way; and My style is friendly and “down to earth”. I come to uncountable others in uncountable ways. Just know that this one is a real one, that I enjoy. You still are reluctant to share this “good fortune” with others. Just be aware of possible opportunities that I arrange and want. It is not yet time for any wide sharing. When it is time you shall be ready and willing. I shall not have you try something you do not have the maturity or the desire to do.

I also manifest My reality in different ways to different peoples. Some shall see Me as eternally One, with the notion that the Three in One is not necessary… even blasphemous. They are right, but this does not make you wrong. I am absolute absolute… and absolute relative. I am absolutely One, yet One can become Three without diminishing the One. These are My “mathematics”.

For some I remain the Unreachable Great Spirit, with practical manifestations in the earth… in objects, in landscape, in people. Why not? As Chief Seattle knew… I am the Same. I am He, and I am It. I am She and I am That.

I want you to understand this, but I do not want you to be a practicing universalist. I do not purpose for you to wander away from your church and become a new leader of yet another group of wide believers. (And this is not a disparagement of new groups. The EOC is something I encouraged.) You are to remain staunchly Presbyterian, being this that you are, a particular sort of Christian, with humble dedication and obvious zeal. This, however does not prevent you from knowing that part of your understanding of My different manifestations comes from other life experiences. You, like most humans, are on a quest for spiritual enlightenment that is not an easy venture… and yet it is so simple. Both. When you achieve it you shall say, “how simple”. Now you know this in theory, but not fully in spirit. But you are approaching. See… this was both instructive and fun. Be My particular servant this day.

6:42 AM