
SAT., NOV. 3, 1984, 6:59 AM

You are here, o son, on a bright, cool morning, and I have given you this one word title. Worry not whether it is for you alone, one you can share with others, or one that could be used as the basis of a class discussion. You cannot know this as We begin, and it shouldn’t make any difference. Know that each shall be of benefit to you, and this is the first purpose of these morning meditations… that you might learn.

Theology is the development of ideas about Me. (I say it in this direct, personal way for I am the teaching, guiding nature of Almighty God. And this, of course, is a bit of theology, that I have such a teaching, guiding nature.) Theology is about God… what God is and does… and this involves relationships.

God is the ultimate force and source of energy in and for all existence. God creates, sustains, and transforms. That which is created is never destroyed., but it transformed. And, unlike in the entropy process (which is one of God’s creations, which is sustained) the transformation may be to a higher, better form rather than always to an unusable waste.

God is Spirit, and all that is created is a part of this spirit. Humans are the highest creation, a conscious act on God’s part, not just a part of the evolutionary process of creation… though it also appears that way. God is an active Spirit, quite willing to be in active relationship with humans, and this active, relating nature can be called the Holy Spirit.

Am I three or am I one? I tell you that this is an immaterial theological question… meaning it is of no importance. I am One. I am Three. I can be Five or Six. I am whatever it is necessary or desirable to be to achieve My purposes.

My Christian story is that I incarnated as Jesus and became the Christ – the redeeming, atoning Savior. After My death and resurrection I came as the Holy Spirit to comfort, teach, and direct humans who have come to Me in Christ. Did I cease being Almighty God during this incarnation? Of course not. Just know that the Christian story is the best story of Me for you. There are many stories that present My nature differently. I can never be fully described by any single story, so let your Christian faith be revealing but never confining nor restricting.

I choose some humans for special tasks, here in the earth or in other realms. If you choose a student and give that one special attention and instruction, and responsibility that one is likely to grow and develop more than one without such attention. Yet the one chosen must have the capacity and willingness to profit from My attention. From whence does this capacity come. Partly from previous development and partly from Me. It is an eternal interactive process. To the one who responds is given more capacity to respond. Yet, finally, all shall come and be servants of Mine and then, ultimately, rejoin Me.

Do I want you to have free will? Yes and no. I want you to have enough to develop in spirit, but I also shall exert My will to have you involved in ways important to Me. Are you here of your own free will? Yes. Are you here because I called you? Yes. In one of even moderately developed spirit these are not in conflict. As spirit develops more fully, in relationship with Me (in many forms and guises) your will and Mine come closer and closer together… which is the true “free will”.

SAT., NOV. 3, 1984, 6:59 AM

You are here, o son, on a bright, cool morning, and I have given you this one word title. Worry not whether it is for you alone, one you can share with others, or one that could be used as the basis of a class discussion. You cannot know this as We begin, and it shouldn’t make any difference. Know that each shall be of benefit to you, and this is the first purpose of these morning meditations… that you might learn.

Theology is the development of ideas about Me . . .

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