
THURS., JULY 23, 1987, 12:49 PM

Theology technically is the study of God, and in a way this shall be a study, for I am the Teacher and Interpreter, and you are the learner. Actually, however, it shall focus on various ways God has been described, experienced, and known during this week here. This shall be just a regular meditation, so it shall not be exhaustive or proscriptive. It is what I want you to know.

One way in which God is is the harsh judge and punisher. The prophets focus on this aspect and portray it with many forms of vividness. It is a response to human action that God may still take. Or it can be without horrendous provocation. It is never possible to tell whether some disaster is God’s punishment, God’s challenge, or just a chance happening. No person or group is ever fully righteous, and therefore undeserving of any retribution. The story of Job is one of mystical truth. God can still do to persons or communities as was done to Job. And if it is God’s action there can be no judgment upon it from within the community of faith.

Very devout people can become sick and die. Saintly persons can be uneducated, jobless, hungry, and deprived of many of what are thought of as blessings. It is silliness to question God’s right to take such initiatives… or even to allow this to happen to dedicated servants. If there were nothing after death, the questioning would be more valid, but with continuing, eternal life, any earth condition or happening is simply a challenge… even an opportunity for growth in spirit.

God comes forth in silence… in solitude… in meditation. You certainly know this very well, even as it is I, the Holy Spirit, Who speak directly to you. You hear best in silence, and this form of meditation that We have devised is the best way for you to know God – through Me. Silence is a definite part of your life. Though I would agree that you can talk more with Lenore, I still encourage you to retain solitude as a part of your spiritual life.

Yet God also is in the faces, bodies, and beings of other persons. You needn’t try to discern God from not-God; this is an instance where “judge not” is the admonition. Just relax and let yourself see God within the being of many persons. The love analogy applies. When you love freely, excessively, and without much discrimination your capacity to love more increases. So the more you see God in those with whom you interact, the more easily you will see Him in others… in women, children, teenagers, those of different races, ages, religions, and cultural practices.

God is also in places and events. God is definitely in this place and in many of the events of this week. If you come back to this campus at some time other than the School you would feel God’s presence because of this present association. You see God in your classes, apart from the individuals involved. The same analogy applies. As you recognize God in more and more places and events, there will be fewer and fewer instances where He will not be.

The process is a wonderful interactive one. As you see and know God you are more apt to reflect this to others. As they respond to God in you they become more apt to be sources for you. And so it goes.

THURS., JULY 23, 1987, 12:49 PM

Theology technically is the study of God, and in a way this shall be a study, for I am the Teacher and Interpreter, and you are the learner. Actually, however, it shall focus on various ways God has been described, experienced, and known during this week here. This shall be just a regular meditation, so it shall not be exhaustive or proscriptive. It is what I want you to know.

One way in which God is is the harsh judge and punisher. The prophets focus on this aspect and . . .

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