
WED., NOV. 5, 1997, 8:40 AM

This word came up several times in this morning’s breakfast-discussion time. It can be used in different ways, and it can mean different perceptions and values therefrom… for different people. Each religion has a theology, and individuals ascribing to that religion may accept various aspects of doctrine that arise from the theology. You are, by direction, a Presbyterian Christian, but all Presbyterians would not revel in your personal theology. Permit Me to help you with this, on a cool morning, with leaden skies.

Where to begin? Well, as a follow-up to the statement above, your theology holds that I, as the Triune God, not only am not bothered by even vast differences in theology among My diverse humans, but I encourage this. You hold, perhaps preceding this theological foundation, that I am alive, well, energized, optimistic… and am in complete charge of this earth realm, no matter what certain actions and non-actions may suggest. I can cause, and I can prevent. Mostly I allow… for purposes that none of you can discern completely… and therefore accurately.

I exist in Three Persons… at least three (one of My fundamental premises is that no human, group, or religion can limit Me. I am beyond limitation!). I am the God Who is Creator, Sustainer, and Judge. I combine justice and mercy in ways that sometimes seem reasonable and, in other instances, seem unfair and capricious.

I Am in Jesus, Who was and is the Christ, taking bodily form and living in the earth for a short life. Its purpose was to experience earth life directly: to teach, directly, some principles of sacred living: and to die for your sins, symbolizing that the length of an earth life is no measure of its quality… and that faith and trust in Me is the fundamental of right living.

I also Am Holy Spirit, Who also has been from the “beginning”… at One with the Father and the Son, but also the Source of all spirit, here in the earth. I have chosen you, for no “good” reason, to hear Me directly. Hence, part of your theology is that Holy Spirit has chosen, and will continue to choose, persons to hear rather directly messages that I want known.

I have raised up prophets, then and now, but you are not such a one. You have been a teacher as your life work, and hence I offer you Teachings that you can learn from and which become the basis of your personal theology. My Holy Scriptures are a sacred, but general, guide to living here in the earth, but I want you to know how I see this earth scene, and your role in it, in this time 2,000 – 4,000 years later in earth time. Some of Scripture is “timeless”… but which? and why?

You are an immortal soul, in a male, American body in late 20th century, middle class, well educated, U.S. of A. What and who you are now has been influenced by life experiences before this one. Yet the “game” is to live each life as if there had been nothing before it. (And this is quite a Christian “game”, and your being told and taught otherwise pushes you out of the orthodox “fold” and into a funny closet.)

Part of spiritual growth toward maturity, which I tell you is the fundamental reason for all of these experiences, is seeing “through the game”… until there is no longer a need to be born again into earth form. Your eternal, everlasting life then becomes One with me, and that is quite indescribable.

WED., NOV. 5, 1997, 8:40 AM

This word came up several times in this morning’s breakfast-discussion time. It can be used in different ways, and it can mean different perceptions and values therefrom… for different people. Each religion has a theology, and individuals ascribing to that religion may accept various aspects of doctrine that arise from the theology. You are, by direction, a Presbyterian Christian, but all Presbyterians would not revel in your personal theology. Permit Me to help you with this, on a cool morning, with leaden skies.

Where to begin? Well, as a . . .

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