Theology In Winter

WED., JAN. 15, 1997, 7:29 PM

It has been a “classic” winter day here on your Farm, starting with electricity off in the early morning hours. You intended to go to your regular Bible study breakfast group, but you realized, in time, that this was truly dangerous weather for driving. Then when you discovered the University had cancelled classes you relaxed, went back to bed, and then enjoyed the day here. Some adaptations will be necessary because of the opening class that you missed, but its size will push for that, too. Just remember My suggestions.

The first theological issue came from your re-reading of Ephesians, the focus for the group meeting that you missed. In this Paul claims, boldly, that he has been chosen for this evangelistic task, by God, and as he comes to these folks in Ephesus, he tells them they, too, have been chosen to be in Christ, in God’s unalterable plan. So what about this?

You certainly feel chosen… for a task, not quite as overt and arduous as Paul’s, but also one that will not result in Holy Scripture, as several of his letters were/are. But you didn’t seek this relationship, and you know, fully, that I have chosen you, in a way like unto My choosing of Paul.

Yet I have told you that I have few unalterable plans, and everything that happens is not completely predetermined. Some events and circumstances are. Most are not. You all are not just “puppets”, carrying out some preset “play” with everyone in a predetermined “part”. I have a good sense of what each of you is likely to do in life situations… the crucial ones. Yet this is almost always part of some big interaction, and the actual result may be somewhat different than I expected. I have capacities for foreknowledge and for affecting circumstances, but I choose not to use these incredible powers constantly and worldwide. And… I am not more concerned with American Christians than with other peoples, including many who are not truly Christians.

Paul was more overt than you are in affirming your election, but your/Our Ruminations always tells readers who you see yourself to be. I approve of this. Keep it up, and also respond to queries from students and others about Our relationship.

Then this afternoon you began the reading of Lennie’s treatise on the 7 Seals, described in John’s Revelations. One question that arose both from Paul’s epistle and from this book is, “What about Satan and evil?” I’ll answer that in two ways, both true, from My perspective.

One answer is that because I love diversity, in virtually every aspect of life, I have different versions of the “earth story” that I encourage in different people. At one extreme are those who see this earth scene as the ultimate in competition between Me, as the Triune God and Lucifer or Satan or the devil. “They” seem to be “winning” quite a lot, and so I must have a plan to return to the earth, as Jesus, and finally vanquish these evil forces, that encourage sins against Me and My ways. And, you see, from this perspective making peace by other than conquering the “enemy “completely is not what I favor.

The other extreme, which is closer to how I have taught you, is that I still have full control of this earth realm, and evil and evil forces are, finally, creations of Mine that provide many opportunities for spiritual growth. I am not dissatisfied with the earth, let alone being angry and frustrated. I see the earth, as it now is functioning, to be a marvelous spirit-enhancing realm. I sometimes let it be otherwise, and then I call on certain individuals and groups to restore a better balance. Evil, then, is ultimately of My doing.

And so let Me reinforce the theology I want you to accept. I, the Triune God, am the Supreme Power in the earth. I am so confident and have such self-esteem that I allow evil and human misconduct of various sorts. I am not an incompetent Creator whose creation “gets away from Him”. I am not ignorant of what goes on in the earth, and I am super in arranging so that much good can come out of apparently bad situations.

WED., JAN. 15, 1997, 7:29 PM

It has been a “classic” winter day here on your Farm, starting with electricity off in the early morning hours. You intended to go to your regular Bible study breakfast group, but you realized, in time, that this was truly dangerous weather for driving. Then when you discovered the University had cancelled classes you relaxed, went back to bed, and then enjoyed the day here. Some adaptations will be necessary because of the opening class that you missed, but its size will push for that, too. Just remember My suggestions.

The . . .

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