Theology, Yet Again

MON., OCT. 3, 1988, 6:54 AM

On your way home, finally, you are visiting a person and a place involved with theology. Your focus has not been thus during your travels, so I take advantage of this slight “edge” to offer you some further thoughts on this theme. Theology is about Me… manifestations of Me… My very great Essence… so I am interested. Hear, o son.

It is interesting to have a whole human academic discipline and even whole schools named “theology.” In one sense it is satisfying and appropriate, for it is a study worthier than any other that could be developed by human minds. In another sense it was “bound to” and has become an area with needless terminology, academic arguments, and questions given to students designed to confuse more than to clarify. I am quite aware of education here in the earth, and I know there have to be trade-offs.

Nearly all who become professors of theology originally had spiritual motives for selecting this field of study. However, academic competition is a powerful force, and many do succumb to the pressures for publication of studies and papers which seem to leave spirit behind, almost as unnecessary. The same is true in your field, health education, but I am more concerned when it is “My subject.”

Basic theology is quite simple, but I realize schools, universities, and academic disciplines do not think well of simple matters. Basic theology commences with God Is… always has been and ever will be. It goes on with… God has created, is creating, and will create, and He does sustain what He creates. (As long as I brought it up… God is fully He and fully She, and only a few of his human creations are fully one or the other. God loves diversity and wishes there were some easy way to resolve this language difficulty. So, as I have told you before, He always refers to this perfect Amalgam, from which the sexes come.)

God is in charge of this creation, the earth. Still, He does a lot of “allowing,” even of evil forces that operate and of tragedies that touch people’s lives. He is well aware of consequences, He has not lost control, and He has a basic plan for earth life and for many individual lives. God also, often through Me, the Holy Spirit, intervenes in earth life and in individual lives. I certainly intervened in your life; ten years ago you would not have been up and writing in this way, even when it was convenient. So earth life is a wondrous, mystical combination of natural and human-designed actions and reactions, accidents and mistakes, AND My powerful to gentle and subtle interventions.

The fundamental purpose of life is spiritual growth. Earth is not the only realm in which this occurs, but it is a good one, and excellent for some souls, even some who seem to be living tragic lives. Appearances and conditions of life are rather poor indicators of spiritual progress being made. The purpose of this spiritual growth is the full realization that you are, finally, a part of Me and a voluntary return to Me.

Time is an earth phenomenon, and its premises simply do not fit other realms of being. The Holy Bible is the primary source of spiritual guidance, but, remember, it is much more a mystical text than one of explicit rules and regulations for salvation. These Holy Scriptures are the rock, but I continue to build My human edifice upon it. I did not stop speaking some 2,000 years ago.

MON., OCT. 3, 1988, 6:54 AM

On your way home, finally, you are visiting a person and a place involved with theology. Your focus has not been thus during your travels, so I take advantage of this slight “edge” to offer you some further thoughts on this theme. Theology is about Me… manifestations of Me… My very great Essence… so I am interested. Hear, o son.

It is interesting to have a whole human academic discipline and even whole schools named “theology.” In one sense it is satisfying and appropriate, for it is a study worthier . . .

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