Theology… Yet Again

WED., APR.11, 2001, 4:06 PM

You have been reading, and underlining (and adding a few terse remarks) this article, which shall be the “starter” for tomorrow morning’s discussion. (I have seen you hunting, fruitlessly, for either of the two pens that you use only for these Teachings. So, you asked Me to bless this, for this use only in the future. It shall be acceptable for today, but I still prefer the others, “ratty” as they are!)

You are a Presbyterian, and the most distinguishing characteristic of this Christian “denomination,” in its origin, is the affirmation that “I chose you.” You are responding to My call to you, and even as you can’t be a true disciple every minute of every day, neither can you choose to deny Me and let My call be unanswered.

You are quite comfortable with the affirmation that I chose you, particularly for this “task” of hearing and writing Teachings from Me, at least 3 or 4 a week. From this has come Our Ruminations, a gentle way of affirming and reaffirming to those who read those, that you are some form of modern-day “mystic.”

Back to the article. The central thesis is that I, as Jesus, was both human and divine. And I wasn’t part human and part divine, but was fully both. The question could be asked, of course, how can one “entity” be fully human and fully divine? By human definition, if a “thing” is wholly of one nature, it cannot even be part “something else,” let alone fully “something else.”

The comparison that you can be fully a husband and fully a father (and, once, also a professor) was, you know, not a true one. And even when you were being a good father to one son, it was at the expense of a comparable relationship with each of the others.

As Jesus I acted fully human, but it is usually assumed from the story of My Origin that while Mary was My Mother, I, Holy Spirit, was involved in some physical way with the pregnancy. (And you do notice that in this article, I, Holy Spirit, am not mentioned. Maybe I “show up” in the “missing page or pages!) So, as Jesus, if I was fully human how did I manage the “miracles” that were part of My ministry? I died, on the cross, as a human, but I reappeared, on the third day, in human form, but capable of more obviously “divine” acts.

But I did act like a human during those several years that are described in the Gospels as My active ministry. I walked. I talked. I ate. And not all of what I said and did would have been seen as divine. So this “combination” is truly mystical… not comparable to “normal” life, here in the earth.

Though it is not part of this article you wonder how the choosing of My disciples (as Jesus) proceeded. There is no record of anyone who was chosen by Me who refused My call. Did they have a choice, or was My call so compelling that they couldn’t refuse? Or were they each “destined,” in some mystical way, to be My disciples, so there was really no personal choice? Or, like unto the “fully divine and fully human” were each of these men fully free in their choice and fully predestined to be chosen and to accept?

The theology of My Religion, Christianity, (and I was there and part of it… Holy Spirit) thus has poles of some sort of continuum – from the fully mystical to the fully humanly practical. I see good coming forth from extremists of both sorts, as well as from those who see life as not one of either extreme.

The “theology” of Me, as Holy Spirit, is more mystical than that of Me, as God, and Me, as Jesus. I Am a vital “part” of each of These, but I also am fully Me… working “when and where and how, and with whom I choose.” Each of Us still is responsible for actions here in the earth that “spirit alone” (even Divine Spirit) could not cause to happen.

And so you wonder if these injured feet of yours are just a natural response to physical conditions OR is this much more of a spiritual “challenge”… even some sort of test that you’ll understand when you are no longer “fully human.”

WED., APR.11, 2001, 4:06 PM

You have been reading, and underlining (and adding a few terse remarks) this article, which shall be the “starter” for tomorrow morning’s discussion. (I have seen you hunting, fruitlessly, for either of the two pens that you use only for these Teachings. So, you asked Me to bless this, for this use only in the future. It shall be acceptable for today, but I still prefer the others, “ratty” as they are!)

You are a Presbyterian, and the most distinguishing characteristic of this Christian “denomination,” in its origin, is the . . .

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