There Are Those Who Hear…

WED., NOV. 25, 1992, 4:38 PM

The most discouraging attitude that any human can hold is the expectation that all of the truth that she utters will be heard as intended by all others. From My infinite experience in the human earth scene I tell you, simply, as the title indicates, there are those who hear and those, oftentimes many, who do not. Your experiences with these Teachings verify this, and this shall continue to be true.

Chris heard very readily… the ones you sent to her and the others that you read to her. Her mind, her emotions, and her spirit are turned toward Me, and she does see this cancer journey as a spiritual test. It is, and from it may come powers to her to be a healer, that gift promised years ago. It also is important for her to sing often, not of necessity but out of appreciation for life, for a talent in voice, and for this close relationship with Me. Singing will definitely be part of her healing process. She is one who hears.

Easy hears increasingly, most often through Chris. Your suggestion to him about his future was a good one, one I would have offered if he would have been able to hear Me directly. There is no need for him to be riled about matters as unimportant as those of which he spoke. As Chris says, he does have talents and gifts in counseling, and these he should use… and not be troubling Chris, in her tough journey, with this unnecessary squabble of his.

You do not judge your son, Bob, to be one of those who hear Me through you. He is a dedicated Christian and churchman, and he listens for Me in ways other than these Teachings. It would be initially troubling for him to try “this way,” but it could be helpful. Don’t press him, but continue to let him know that this process of Ours continues, as a natural part of your life. Perhaps he may become one of those who hear.

Remember, however, that My servant Mabel seeks to have you hear Me through her unique experiences, and you do not respond as she would wish. Still, she must try to enlighten you, and you, her. Your older sons “do to you as you do to her.” John Patrick does hear, but he is almost too busy now. He should hear that his success will likely be greater if he turns to Me more often, and, for him, these Teachings are an effective way. If you knew your own Teachings better (hint!) you could supply him with some nourishment for his spirit.

David Smith is clearly one who hears and profits from what he hears, through you. I do not work directly with every physician, even every Christian physician. But I do work with and through him, advising him in a number of ways. He should acknowledge this just a bit more. Add his, and your new friend Betty to your list. She should be ready to hear quite readily what I say to and through you.

Your Father continues to be a surprise, in being one who, late in life, hears Me as I speak to you. Continue to offer him monthly Teachings, prepared especially for him. As he continues to hear Me eagerly in this way he is preparing for a very easy passing over into the spirit world I have prepared for him. There is no hurry, but he shall be ever so much more aware and appreciative than he would have been without your help.

WED., NOV. 25, 1992, 4:38 PM

The most discouraging attitude that any human can hold is the expectation that all of the truth that she utters will be heard as intended by all others. From My infinite experience in the human earth scene I tell you, simply, as the title indicates, there are those who hear and those, oftentimes many, who do not. Your experiences with these Teachings verify this, and this shall continue to be true.

Chris heard very readily… the ones you sent to her and the others that you read to . . .

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