There IS a Time To Laugh

SAT., SEPT. 8, 1984, 7:04 AM

I realize, o son, that you have many professional tasks that demand your time as this Fall season approaches (and I certainly am interested in some of these), but My chief concern is that you not neglect the third Ruminations for this year, that one which will examine My sense of humor. Our mutual friend, Jack indicated his interest, and he is one of many. Despite the controversy that this topic shall inspire I urge you to compose it and send it forth… probably during the week of Thanksgiving break. You have several Teachings that apply, and I shall offer you several more, just to reinforce the Truth that there is a time to laugh, for Me as well as for each of you. Hear what I have to say about this on a cool, windy morning.

The Preacher contrasted “a time to mourn” and “a time to dance” and also “a time to weep” and “a time to laugh” (and, yes, you must relearn this passage and keep it as an important passage that is accurately in your memory). Thus he says, in this memorable way, that just as there is a time to feel sorrow, evidenced by weeping and mourning, there also are times to feel joy, the spirit of fun, and the humor in earth life, evidenced by laughter, dancing, and singing. And to this I say Amen.

I have encouraged you to read portions of and stories from Scripture which are obviously serious… and then try to see the humor that is there as well. I still recommend this, for I certainly view the events of earth life, past and present (or so it seems), with smiles as well as frowns. I do want you to emphasize that a true sense of humor is an aspect of spirit, and that a strong spirit is what brings about the best balance in this sense of fun. Yes, there is much that is laughed at by some of limited spirit that is not decent humor, and I continue to warn you to make that distinction. And spirit is that which makes the most accurate discernment.

You see, there are situations and circumstances that are, by nature, inherently laughable. These are obviously times to laugh. But also there are times when you… and your spirit… need to laugh, even when circumstances don’t seem appropriate. Laughter can be part of the healing balance in a time of weeping, and your spirit, from its link with Me, knows this as truth.

I also shall note that many times it is not appropriate to smile, laugh, or experience the spirit of fun as a circumstance is developing, but when it has passed, in all of its seriousness, there is then a time to laugh. “It wasn’t funny at the time, but as I look back on it…” I, of course, am not bound by time as a reality, and even you can be limited less by then and now.

SAT., SEPT. 8, 1984, 7:04 AM

I realize, o son, that you have many professional tasks that demand your time as this Fall season approaches (and I certainly am interested in some of these), but My chief concern is that you not neglect the third Ruminations for this year, that one which will examine My sense of humor. Our mutual friend, Jack indicated his interest, and he is one of many. Despite the controversy that this topic shall inspire I urge you to compose it and send it forth… probably during the week of Thanksgiving break. You . . .

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