There Is A Way…

FRI., NOV. 29, 1991, 7:37 AM

As your mind “reached” for themes appropriate for today’s Teaching, you suddenly realized that “there is a way.” If you let your mind go into “idle” and listen for Me I will provide you with the exactly right words. This is “the way” for Teachings. This is “the way” for best relationship with Me. Fear not that I shall “take you over.” I want you to be the best person you can be, and this is My help. There is a way, and I am that way.

Now I realize that this is difficult for you, for you have a rather independent spirit. I knew that when I selected you. I knew it would be a challenge for both of us. Thus far we’re both doing well. You have acceded to My direction more than you would have expected to, and I have been patient and faithful to this relationship. It is not the kind of relationship most often described by evangelicals, but it is pretty “far out” for a Presbyterian, which is what I want you to remain.

You see, “the way” is just not the same for all persons, let alone all Christians. The common element in all born-again experiences is listening to Me and doing as I would have you do. Thus, you don’t do what some individuals, or some church doctrine, official or clandestine, says you must do. Rather, you follow My will for you, and you do what this will indicates.

Your will and your “natural” way is still important. I did not choose you in order to remake you entirely. The apostle Paul was important, through his writings, to your conversion. Your situation is somewhat like unto his, these many years ago. I knew he had faults and misconceptions, but he had characteristics that I needed if this rag-tag Christian community was to become the Church, the proper symbol of My Body in the earth. So he came “My way” and produced much important Scripture for Christians. But I had to allow some of his prejudices and imperfect knowledge to be a part of perfect Scripture.

“The way” that is yours to walk is both narrow and broad. You must be faithful to Me in this time of Teaching. You must do what I would have you do, as often and as faithfully as you can. You must be “one who knows” amidst those who are suspicious about your way of knowing. Yet your life can have a strong liberal tinge to it, and your conduct need not “set you apart” from those with whom you comfortably interact. Your independence is part of the “model” I want you to be. And then I’ll repeat that this independence is both a joy and a burden to Me.

Just know that you “have it easy” when compared to Me, as Jesus. I was God, so I knew what My earthly role should be. I was God, so I had an inherent independence. I was a man, so I had certain urges that were not completely compatible with My “God knowledge.” I needed to be a spiritual leader Who was here in the earth to fulfill the established Scriptures and yet to bring a somewhat new picture of God and of relationship with God. I was God, but I also had to be human. I was both a joy and a burden to Myself as Almighty God.

I, the Holy Spirit, have some of that difficulty. In one way I am not restricted because so little is said about Me in Scripture, yet I am affirmed as an equal aspect of the Godhead. I am restricted, however, because many interpret that I am bound completely to written Scripture and the words of Jesus, however inappropriate these may be for a different “scene.”

FRI., NOV. 29, 1991, 7:37 AM

As your mind “reached” for themes appropriate for today’s Teaching, you suddenly realized that “there is a way.” If you let your mind go into “idle” and listen for Me I will provide you with the exactly right words. This is “the way” for Teachings. This is “the way” for best relationship with Me. Fear not that I shall “take you over.” I want you to be the best person you can be, and this is My help. There is a way, and I am that way.

Now I realize . . .

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