There Is Time To…

SEPT. 24, 1995, SUN., 5:58 AM

It seems, increasingly, that you are moving into a time of life when time and your responsibilities (and choices) will match up in a non-stressful way. Why, then, are you starting a week with a longer list than usual and a sense of time pressure like unto life in earlier years? This is a lesson, in a sense. What lesson? Write on.

I called you before your alarm had a chance, and you came, without reluctance. You still know that there must be time to listen to Me and then write in this familiar mode. You are not against having these Teachings. I am quite aware of how you feel. It just seems as though there isn’t time… and… how important is one more, when you now have over 55 volumes? Speaking as The Preacher, there has been a time when the spiritual (and that certainly includes Me) has not been a high priority for you, compared with your professional, professorial, and family responsibilities. Now is the time to be shifting that balance toward Me and matters of the spirit.

This Sunday Forum requires some time that you resent, too often. See it as a spiritual opportunity, to lead a few others, and yourself, in a study of some of your favorite Scriptural stories. For example, this morning, introduce this consideration of these familiar “time to”’s as “This is a story of King Solomon’s reaction to the life he has lead and is living, with some good feelings and some regrets… a perspective particularly important to us older Christians.” It shall take some time to prepare some questions each week, but know that time spent with Me or with My Scriptures is time well spent… always!

Letters to others, particularly those who write to you, continue to be important, and they shall be more so in the future. However, this week this Letter of Ours must be written, and it must be a priority. You have sufficient material, and you know the process is not difficult. You were prepared early, and then you let time “get away from you.” I like these Ruminations, and so do you. (Isn’t this a good one… on this morning’s “story”?!) Whatever time these take is time well spent. At this point you need have little concern for increasing Our readership. When your status shall be called “Retired” this may become more of a priority.

Yet retirement is not your present “rank”, so carefully reading and commenting on papers by students must continue to be a priority. Be increasingly aware of students who give you evidence of interest in matters spiritual and follow up on some of these. I still am sending some to you, and you’re not sufficiently aware. I’m disappointed when you “lose” someone whom you could have influenced toward Me. This is your special realm of evangelism, with your unique message.

During this period of struggling with time I would prefer that you lessen your “commitment to” watching and listening to current news, rather than time given to enjoying and musing on this change of seasons, both personal and meteorological. Sometimes you can combine this that I recommend with work like mowing or feeding, but there should be time for such… for I am certainly with you in such “expenditures”.

SEPT. 24, 1995, SUN., 5:58 AM

It seems, increasingly, that you are moving into a time of life when time and your responsibilities (and choices) will match up in a non-stressful way. Why, then, are you starting a week with a longer list than usual and a sense of time pressure like unto life in earlier years? This is a lesson, in a sense. What lesson? Write on.

I called you before your alarm had a chance, and you came, without reluctance. You still know that there must be time to listen to Me and then . . .

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