Third Son Blues

WED., JULY 28, 1993, 5:50 AM

Third son, John Patrick, has a dilemma… a dilemma with a “blues quality.” He proceeded with confidence, into his fledgling business, concentrated on one product, with assurance that it was a “winner.” Eventually it may be, but it now is not producing income, and he must find a way to meet his personal and family needs… quickly. Lenore asked for a message for him through My good servant Mabel, and, naturally, I obliged, in the style and form that I use with her. It has a prophetic tone to it, but it is not very specific. Hear this as a Teaching, in My style with you, with more detail, but short of prophesying how his life will be.

John Patrick has confidence and a sense of responsibility, but these now are not in concert. He is confident that he and his “group” have produced a useful and innovative program for improvement of communication in the riverboat industry. For a combination of reasons, however, it has not sold at the price that would keep his business flowing and the living expenses for his family covered. He has tried to stick with confidence, but increasingly this clashes with responsibility for this large family of his. How can he balance these in the best way? This, of course, is his dilemma.

I do not want him to lose his confidence, for there are several ways in which he is serving Me well. I can use a man with the characteristics he has, and I am pleased that he is preparing to serve Me more ably in the Church. Yet I am reluctant to be miraculous in his present situations… to use My influence in ways that produce a perfect job for him, one with a sufficient income. Such is tempting, and I don’t rule it out completely, but I seldom yield to this temptation… and how many I have, similar to this, at this time!

Borrowing is a big part of your economic system, made appropriate by confidence, shared by both the borrower and the lender. With confidence he has borrowed, and the debts increase as his capacity to pay adequately wanes. Here again comes responsibility, with the welfare of six dependent on both his capacities and his actual earnings. Further borrowing may be necessary, but it can not be the only way.

Debbie’s earnings are helping sustain them, and the family and they are fortunate that she has these capacities and this willingness to work for their common good. Her capacities as a caregiver are extra ordinary, and though she would rather be primarily a wife and mother, others who are sick or injured are benefitting from her care, and I appreciate this service of hers. It is a positive good, even as it comes out of necessity.

The “blues” aspect of the dilemma arises from the need to simplify their lives in relation to spending. They have lived well, with confidence. They have been responsible, but also somewhat profligate in their desires, expectations, and actual purchases. A change will be somewhat painful, but it must come, and soon.

The spiritual challenge for John Patrick… and for Debbie, too… is to retain confidence, with fewer of the “props” that symbolize success. Their confidence must be in each other, as persons, and in Me, as the ultimate provider… remembering that My Kingdom is not of this material world and its many tempting products. There must be a new balance between confidence and responsibility, one more realistic to their actual circumstances and to the present economic conditions.

WED., JULY 28, 1993, 5:50 AM

Third son, John Patrick, has a dilemma… a dilemma with a “blues quality.” He proceeded with confidence, into his fledgling business, concentrated on one product, with assurance that it was a “winner.” Eventually it may be, but it now is not producing income, and he must find a way to meet his personal and family needs… quickly. Lenore asked for a message for him through My good servant Mabel, and, naturally, I obliged, in the style and form that I use with her. It has a prophetic tone to it, but . . .

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