This Diverse Earth Scene…

SAT., SEPT. 23, 2000, 6:54 AM

… as I created it to be. Yes, o son, this earth scene, of which you are a part, for at least some time, yet, is My Creation. I have both guided its development and allowed some freedom for humans to develop in different ways. So, there are cultures, with quite a range in attitudes and practices. There are many ways to acknowledge Me, and, of course, I also can be ignored or even rejected as being Reality.

The sun (which you may or may not see this morning) is the most vital creation, with your Earth the only planet that can sustain advanced forms of life. Where you live there are four, fairly distinct seasons. Yesterday it still felt like Summer, but by tomorrow the feeling of Fall may be more evident. You do appreciate each of these seasons, and you should. You look out and see that the maple leaves are giving up their green. Some just turn brown, but you expect that there will be some showing forth beautiful Autumn colors.

In your mind and memory you can contrast this home place with other places you have lived. Each had a certain charm and were “right” for the time, but this is the best place for you now. You have lived in and around cities (and you may even return to visit some of these), but you do appreciate this Farm, these small cities close by, and the climate as certainly best for this final chapter in this earth life.

You enjoyed your profession and, particularly, the courses you were able to develop and teach. As you look at the Spring Schedule of Courses you see that most of these have remained and are being taught (though probably different than your “style”). And… one (or more) “retired” when you did and “are no more.” So… you had influence, but not completely.

In your youth there was a World War, and you were part of your country’s fighting force. However, while age mates of yours were actually involved in the fighting, you were studying, competing in intercollegiate sports, and enjoying life as you were becoming a young officer. Mostly you were satisfied with this “role,” but you did have enough of that “warrior” feeling to have some discomfort in not having some combat experience.

The purpose of this earth scene, in brief, is spiritual growth for you humans. And I have created it and sustain it as a scene in which you, and each individual, can make spiritual progress or can regress, spiritually. (I also tell you, differently from most of your Christian and American brethren, that this spiritual progress can seldom be achieved, as I desire it, in one human life time. So the spiritual “journey” of most souls is not a single time here in the earth… quite short for some.)

Hence, you humans are a diverse “bunch” in many obvious ways, but, importantly, in experiences you’ve had before this present life, and “where you are” in this trek back to Me. Except for human lives here in the earth all of this is “outside of time,” so that “how long does it take?” has no real meaning and is a question that can’t be answered.

SAT., SEPT. 23, 2000, 6:54 AM

… as I created it to be. Yes, o son, this earth scene, of which you are a part, for at least some time, yet, is My Creation. I have both guided its development and allowed some freedom for humans to develop in different ways. So, there are cultures, with quite a range in attitudes and practices. There are many ways to acknowledge Me, and, of course, I also can be ignored or even rejected as being Reality.

The sun (which you may or may not see this morning) is the most . . .

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