This Earth, Of Mine

FRI., OCT. 10, 1997, 6:30 AM

Anyone reading history books or the daily paper… or watching TV news… certainly could get the impression that this earth scene is quite a mess. There are murders, there is corruption, there are natural disasters, and excess wealth and poverty exist, almost side by side. Many do ask, with sincerity, “If you’re the Creator and Sustainer God, why isn’t this earth a better place?” Do you want to hear My answer? Listen, o son.

As Jesus I said, “In My Father’s house are many mansions”. This is a somewhat poetic way of saying that I have created a number of realms for soul development and expression of spirit. The most unique is this planet earth, moving on its own axis and moving in a rather steady course around the sun, the source of all physical energy. This means that there is predictable day and night and fairly predictable seasons of each year. The earth’s distance from the sun gives it a temperature range conducive to many forms of life.

My creative process also brought about balances – the water cycle, the oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle, and the fact that all living things can be the necessary food for other life forms. Then, many years ago (in earth terms… actually it was outside of time) I started the human reproductive process, an important balance therein being life and death. From My Holy Spirit came a bit of spirit into each human. Spirit is the essence of life, just as energy is the essence of matter, here in the earth.

Spirit and energy are thus the two essences of this earth, and they are intermixed. Thus, there is some amount of spirit in life forms and in that which is the apparently inanimate aspects of earth life. Native Americans and other “primitive” peoples have discerned spirit in the wind, the rain, rocks, rivers, and… most of you “less primitive” folk have never developed or have lost this sense of spirit. Too bad…

This earth functions with a balance of cooperation and competition. There is competition for food and for space… for “things”. And then all forms of life develop cooperative ways, both for “better life” and to be competitive against other life forms. Adaptation requires this balance.

I decided this principle should also apply to spirit. I wanted this earth to be a “mansion” where spirit could grow and develop, and so there had to be some competition. It sounds strange, I know, to hear that I “created” evil and evil spirits, but it’s akin to My “creating” the AIDS virus, the tubercle bacillus, and cancer cells. In a competitive environment I allowed this development. (This sounds a bit better, doesn’t it?)

So there are evil, destructive “forces” that are necessary for the particular kind of spirit growth that is possible, even probable, here in the earth. But, as I have told you, often, as I see this whole earth, and all of its humans… in a way that none of you can comprehend… I see the balance tipped toward cooperation, despite headlines and “news” stories.

The major evil that I see is the human desire to dominate, rather than to be stewards in a balanced ecosystem. Despite a few humans in a contrivance a few hundred miles above this earth there is no place, other than earth, for humans to go, as numbers increase. Health, in the future, must include more deaths. It shall be hard for you humans to accept this, but it must come. Some will see it as My wrath, but I tell you the basis is My love for the whole of what I have created.

FRI., OCT. 10, 1997, 6:30 AM

Anyone reading history books or the daily paper… or watching TV news… certainly could get the impression that this earth scene is quite a mess. There are murders, there is corruption, there are natural disasters, and excess wealth and poverty exist, almost side by side. Many do ask, with sincerity, “If you’re the Creator and Sustainer God, why isn’t this earth a better place?” Do you want to hear My answer? Listen, o son.

As Jesus I said, “In My Father’s house are many mansions”. This is a . . .

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