This Earth… Of Mine

SAT., JULY. 29, 2000, 6:49 AM

As you read and discuss with your group on Wednesday mornings these Old Testament stories you see both contrast and likeness with life today on this whirling planet. In the stories you have read most recently there was much death, persons killing persons. The news of the day also tends to report deaths, particularly violent ones.

A super sonic airliner, not even imagined by ancestors who traveled on foot or on slow animals (or sailing ships) catches fire on take-off (the result… perhaps… of a blown tire), the plane crashes and 114 people die, most suddenly, but some after moments of agony. Guns of all sorts abound, from small but deadly pistols to huge mounted modern-day “cannons”, which can send death-dealing shells great distances.

You realize, as I do, that the media ( 7:03 / 7:05 ) focus more on deaths, particularly tragic and unexpected ones, than on births and positive, loving, helpful acts and activities. And while I regret some of these deaths, and how they occur, I have both caused and allowed this earth scene to develop as it has. You, who are only minimally technological, are not agog about this .com world, as much of it seems to be passing you by… with little regret on your part.

For, yes, while I approve of some of the results of this modern world I have guided you to (by American standards) this low-tech way of living in quite a non-urban area. Oh, you don’t live primitively, but it is a life quite different from the middle-class ideal… even from the way you lived as a younger family.

I am not strongly opposed (obviously) to all modern developments… for this is still “My Earth”. I am allowing humans to “progress”, and I appreciate some of what has developed to make life easier and pleasanter. I realize that Concordes will fly again, with more careful maintenance and repair, at least for a time. For this was quite a minor tragedy, as judged by all else that occurred on that day of the crash.

Over this total earth, on that day, as on each since, more babies were born and survived than the number of humans who died, from all causes. This would seem to be a “victory” for Me and for humans. You regret deaths, particularly those that were unexpected, but as you see the pictured, smiling face of your youngest grandson you, too, see the presence of the young as a blessing.

I appreciate human lives, which I still see as My greatest “single” creation. (The whole earth scene, with myriad forms of life is the truly greatest). And I have allowed the growth and development of modern medicine, which can and does save and prolong lives in the young and the “productive”, but is also become “excessive” in its technological capacities to keep humans alive, beyond the time when many should return to some spirit realm. The ethic of medicine seems to be – to save lives, sustain and prolong lives, almost no matter what the conditions of life may be. Some “rescues” are quite worthwhile, and such lives continue, in service to Me. But too many remain dependent and non-productive (in the widest sense) and an indirect cause of environmental damage.

SAT., JULY. 29, 2000, 6:49 AM

As you read and discuss with your group on Wednesday mornings these Old Testament stories you see both contrast and likeness with life today on this whirling planet. In the stories you have read most recently there was much death, persons killing persons. The news of the day also tends to report deaths, particularly violent ones.

A super sonic airliner, not even imagined by ancestors who traveled on foot or on slow animals (or sailing ships) catches fire on take-off (the result… perhaps… of a blown tire), the plane crashes . . .

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