This Evil World

SAT., JAN. 23, 1993, 7:18 AM

This evil world in which you live… is that which I created. It did not become evil because I lost power. I created it, and I saw it to be good. Yet I created it to become evil, and I also saw that as good. Generally, Christians prefer to blame evil spirits rather than Me, but I, finally, am the Creator… and I did it right… for My purposes.

Remember, as you ponder certain minor disabilities, that nothing could happen to you for which you could curse Me or depart from Me. I have blessed you with a happy and mostly pain-free life. Whatever happens in the rest of it… maintain your spirit of thankfulness, for that is the spirit that makes for maximum health and most rapid and complete healing.

Last evening you saw a true story portrayed on film, a story of both tragedy and triumph. It wasn’t a case of deliberate evil, even it if was error on the part of the pilots. Yet it was a tragedy, for some young lives were lost immediately, and there was much pain and suffering. Then came the pain of no food, after the pain of realizing that they would not be rescued. They prayed to Me, and there was more tragedy and more death.

Then came the choice: to succumb to the evil of eating human flesh, the flesh of dead friends and teammates, or to die slowly and miserably, fighting one another. And from that came the memory of that ultimate evil: the religious people in My time on earth as Jesus conspired to have Me convicted and nailed to a cross to die. I suffered that death. It was that mystical combination of evil done to Me and My will to give My life as the sacrifice for you. From that act, years ago, comes grace and your salvation. So, out of a monumental evil came a monumental good.

In effect these young men pledged to one another that if the evil of death should come, each would want the flesh of his body to be eaten so that the others would survive. Thus, that which is seen as a supreme evil became the means of bodily salvation. In a crude but real way the Eucharist was acted out high in snow-covered mountains.

Killing is evil, and yet your military forces are ready to kill if it is necessary to accomplish some “objective.” Letting people die is evil, but many die in the earth each day because your country does not supply them with food. Yet ruining My earth by excessive population also is an evil, and saving lives, a good, may ruin the earth, which is an evil.

Abortion is a form of killing, and therefore it is an evil. Yet bearing an unwanted child, a child likely to be abused and neglected, is a greater evil. Those who are too callous about unborn life represent evil. But also those who are too pious about excessive human life, and who create a God who wants no death become an evil.

You look out at a pleasant world. It is winter, so the beauty is stark and uncolorful. This is not an evil part of the world, you conclude. Are you protected from evil? Can no harm come upon you? The answer, of course, is both Yes and No. You shall experience some evil, perhaps even this day. You are shielded, but not entirely. And yet, with your hand in Mine all evil which is yours to experience becomes a means to spiritual growth. To die is an evil (even as it is also a good.) To die and have your flesh eaten is evil. To die and have others live because they ate your flesh would be a supreme good.

SAT., JAN. 23, 1993, 7:18 AM

This evil world in which you live… is that which I created. It did not become evil because I lost power. I created it, and I saw it to be good. Yet I created it to become evil, and I also saw that as good. Generally, Christians prefer to blame evil spirits rather than Me, but I, finally, am the Creator… and I did it right… for My purposes.

Remember, as you ponder certain minor disabilities, that nothing could happen to you for which you could curse Me or depart from . . .

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