This Is My Earth

WED., JULY 23, 1997, 8:34 AM

… and all that is therein. And I tell you again what I have said to you many times – I am quite a competent Creator and Sustainer. In general, the earth scene is not distressing to Me… and I am not angry with all that I see. Because it is Mine it is perfect. I was in Jesus, and therefore He was perfect… not because of His actions, but because He was Me.

Certainly the news reports tragedies of various sorts, but this mostly represents a philosophy of “what is news” rather than the total reality. Much of the good that I see is not reported widely. Yet it is more normative and dominant than the tragedies and crimes.

I have allowed a continuing increase in the human population, and the increase in this “good” is changing the balance of life in the earth toward the less desirable. You saw part of a report on changing conditions at Lake Tahoe, a beauty spot on this continent, where you had a week just before coming here, 32 years ago. The causes of these unfortunate changes are people, affluence, production, and progress – all seen as positives in your culture. I do feel some sadness in seeing this destruction of beauty, but I still see value in some of these other causes. I can act to change conditions if I wish to, either directly, indirectly, or through human interventions that I guide.

… and I find it good. My “Style” is not to micro-manage this earth scene. Therefore there are happenings and interactions that are not pleasing to Me, but My view is still very macro. I am aware of all that happens. I see quite clearly that “the solution to a problem may, finally, and strangely, look like another problem”. So I let some circumstances be, in order to avoid other consequences. I just expect and accept that the good will prevail most of the time.

I remind you again that life is continuous rather than just limited to this one earth experience… the one you’re in now. There are many realms… “mansions”… where spirits may be, and most of them are much more ordered than this earth, with human bodies and desires of many kinds. Most of you chose this earth as a place to “have a life”… or were allowed to become part of the human population. As you can imagine, the interactions going on in this moment… and each moment… are beyond counting. It seems impossible for Me to be aware of all of this, while I’m rather leisurely giving you this Teaching. I’ll just say it is possible, and I persist in this.

Let’s go back to a physical reality – there is a time to be born and a time to die. Those of you who have been born all will die. There is no certainty about when, but much certainty… with many realities… about whether or not you will die. Yet the spiritual reality is that birth is a time of death, and death is a time of birth. Birth is a transition, and so is death.

My earth is quite different now than it was in Biblical times. You call this progress, and in some ways it is. Yet it may be just a transition to another simpler form of life. I’m considering the consequences of such a transition. And you might “some day” return to experience such a life.

You saw again this morning how My Teachings have eroded your orthodoxy as a Christian, Presbyterian. It is hard to affirm, against some Scriptural passages, that I am quite satisfied with the earth as a scene for spiritual growth. In no way is evil triumphing over Me and My desires. Rarely am I angry with human defiance of Me. I see much spiritual growth, in diverse sorts of circumstances, and with this I am pleased… for that’s “what life’s all about”.

You soon will be in transition to another phase of life. Some of the spiritual opportunities you have now will be no more, but others will arise. You should be economically comfortable (though short of being wealthy), and you have a fine part of My earth to live on, love, and improve.

WED., JULY 23, 1997, 8:34 AM

… and all that is therein. And I tell you again what I have said to you many times – I am quite a competent Creator and Sustainer. In general, the earth scene is not distressing to Me… and I am not angry with all that I see. Because it is Mine it is perfect. I was in Jesus, and therefore He was perfect… not because of His actions, but because He was Me.

Certainly the news reports tragedies of various sorts, but this mostly represents a philosophy of “what is news” rather . . .

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