“This Old House”…

SAT., NOV. 11, 2000, 7:55 AM

You live in a fine “old house”… and this body of yours has been the “house” (or the “temple”) for your spirit for now over 74 years. Both are slowly and gradually losing “health” and becoming less functional. You feel, as I, Holy Spirit, do, too, that this is the best “way to go.” You can envision an earthquake (not unreasonable for this area) that could shake this dwelling place off of its rock foundation, collapsing its chimneys and leaving it unrepairable as a pleasant place to live.

You also can envision your body suffering a severe heart attack or stroke, which, if not taking your earth life completely, would leave you unable to live as you do now. “Repairs,” if attempted, would be costly and inadequate.

Now, consider… if these wouldn’t happen simultaneously, which should come first? Your “plan” is to live out this life here on this Farm, yet you realize that you still do some work to keep it functional and presentable. If you couldn’t do this, who would? Hiring someone to do the necessary work could cost less than moving to some “facility”… and you could, of course, get rid of the farm animals, that require daily attention. So, your “first choice” would be to continue to live here, even if this would run the risk of shortening this earth life. It would seem right to you not to prolong a “semi-life” with modern medical treatments.

The other case would be the destruction of this old Farmhouse, making it necessary for your to move… somewhere. None of the alternatives seems desirable or possible. Lenore has sold houses in town you once considered should this Farm be non-functional. Possibilities from the past seem now to be gone.

Thus, of the alternatives to “this old house” going down simultaneously the best would seem to be the death of your body while you can still “manage” this place. Yet you are thinking…and even saying… that having cancer, with the “promise” of a slow death, is better than a quick death from a “break” in your circulatory system.

What do I, your Companion for now over 20 years (of which you are aware, through these Teachings), have to say about the rest of this life of yours… and Mine? Well, being omniscient, I do know how it will “play out,” but this is not for you to know. Once you come on over you shall be quite aware of the many experiences your immortal soul has had, but “the deal” is that you are not to know specifics as you live an earth life. You are “advanced” enough to know that this is not your first earth life (or only), nor will it be your last, probably, but you must live this one out, without further specific knowledge. That’s “how it is.”

As I have told you, often, you see, in this season, trees out of the windows, in front and to your left side, that have lost their leaves and appear more and more to be “dead.” Yet you expect, from living here many years, that these will “leaf out” again, after a winter of “deadness.” And so, too, do you expect to continue to live, in spirit, with, perhaps (as We both decide) a chance to return again to the earth. But why?

Your spirit came from Me, Holy Spirit, with the potential to grow and develop, here in the earth and, sometimes, in other realms of spirit. Develop toward what? Toward full knowledge of Me and Our relationship (with the Father and the Son, too, of course) and toward living a happy selfless, helpful life that will, when it is over, make “merger” back into Me both possible and desirable.

SAT., NOV. 11, 2000, 7:55 AM

You live in a fine “old house”… and this body of yours has been the “house” (or the “temple”) for your spirit for now over 74 years. Both are slowly and gradually losing “health” and becoming less functional. You feel, as I, Holy Spirit, do, too, that this is the best “way to go.” You can envision an earthquake (not unreasonable for this area) that could shake this dwelling place off of its rock foundation, collapsing its chimneys and leaving it unrepairable as a pleasant place to live.

You also can . . .

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