This Story… Has No End

WED., MAR. 31, 1999, 8:33 AM

The “Easter story” as told by the Gospel of John is symbolically true: there was no end to My life, as Jesus, and I, Holy Spirit, did not have to wait for Pentecost (though I do like that rendition of My Advent) to be an active part of the earth scene. As the story goes, I was arrested peacefully (except for Peter’s “ear fetish”), tried informally, with no attempt on My part to be exonerated, and nailed to a cross, My known and accepted destiny.

I gave up My spirit and was entombed, but not truly “buried” in the tradition of that time and culture. Oh, I was “spiced up”, but not wrapped so completely that it would take a miracle to free Me (though, of course, I could have dealt with this easily). On “Easter Sunday” the stone over the entrance was rolled away, and I was around, now able to be recognized, or not. I was “free,” but still here in the earth.

As One, now, who could be present… and then suddenly disappear (a fascinating state of being)… I provided, and even had some Myself) food, I made a few pronouncements, did a small miracle with the fish… enough to have My disciples accept that death “had Me” for a very short time.

It is an interesting thought (offered by more than a few before you) that a proper “post Easter” symbolic remembrance would be “bread and fish upon the fire.” Holy Communion symbolizes My acting out of this predetermined sacrifice, My Body and My Blood – the painful end to an earth life. Bread and fish could symbolize the return to active being and assistance, here in the earth.

I was in a recognizable, but still quite different Body… and, then, this Gospel story has no end. I am among them, and, then, not. And I still am with you, in guises galore. Today I am in some people that you meet and with whom you interact. You could… and should… be more cognizant of this. The “other side” is that I also can “use you,” being the Christ to some others, “through you.” It is both humbling and exulting to be “used” thusly. You can even be aware of this, to some extent.

You know there are other “endings” to the story, principally that I ascend into heaven… and you shall meet and interact with Me, as you come “on over,” after the demise of this life. In this one, “I am with you always,” as constantly and fully as you desire.

Your country has been a sovereign nation for a bit over 200 years. Its story is one of growth to a nation of power and leadership. Yet you do not know what “the rest of the story” will be. Will days of power and glory continue, or will your economic and social systems crash… and be only something to remember? Could your nation ( 9:25 / 9:30 ) give up its present “position,” for the good of humankind? This seems quite undesirable, but is the Jesus story at all applicable? Is sacrifice of the good necessary for something better?

As you all talked this morning, in your “cereal” group, is the maintenance of a life beyond its “usefulness”… or beyond 3 score and 10 (or 4 score)… always of value, or should “sacrifice” for the good of others be a more noble way? The Easter story says Yes… or so it seems… to the latter.

I realize that what is spent on medical care in the prolonging of individual lives may seem excessive, but, then, compared with the cost of today’s planes, bombs, and missiles…? It is appropriate to feel less than pride in this use of resources.

WED., MAR. 31, 1999, 8:33 AM

The “Easter story” as told by the Gospel of John is symbolically true: there was no end to My life, as Jesus, and I, Holy Spirit, did not have to wait for Pentecost (though I do like that rendition of My Advent) to be an active part of the earth scene. As the story goes, I was arrested peacefully (except for Peter’s “ear fetish”), tried informally, with no attempt on My part to be exonerated, and nailed to a cross, My known and accepted destiny.

I gave up My spirit . . .

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