This That We Do Together

SAT., MAY 8, 1982, 6:12 AM

It seems appropriate, o son, to offer you a teaching about this process, “this that We do together”, on this cool, quiet morning. You still have feelings of doubt as you are in the experience… and also as you read the words at another time. Oh, I know that the doubt is mixed with faith and with a certain amount of certainty, but it still persists. Time, experience, and a larger volume of these teachings shall gradually erode your doubts, but from time to time (I’m “big” on time expressions this morning… your language has a lot of them… know that they are just expressions of that which is not ultimate reality) I shall help with some direct instruction. These shall be purposely repetitive.

I, who speak to you through this pen, on this paper, in your version of the English language, am the Holy Spirit of the Almighty Lord God. I have been in the world from the beginning, but with the death of the man Jesus, who was and became the Christ, I have been freed and commissioned to work in the world particularly with the spirits of and in persons incarnate as humans in the earth. Your earthly concept of time and space and being able to do only a very few things at the same time hinders your understanding of My capacities. The expression in your “catechism” that I work “when and where and how I please” is true, and I have amended it for you with “and with whom”. Now I shall add “and I work simultaneously with uncountable souls and in an infinite number of situations.”. While I teach you in this way, which is far from a rapid process, I am involved in uncountable other ventures with human spirits. Still, I am patient with and attentive toward you, and I wait as your mind moves from My message to other matters… and then back to this task.

I use your English, your vocabulary, your syntax, and your punctuation. I sometimes use expressions other than your comfortable ones… for variety and as an encouragement to you to avail yourself of these. As I have told you many times, I can express Myself in an incredible number of ways, and there is some advantage to each. You have been careful not to edit or change words once they have been written. This is a recommended practice to continue, BUT know also that I can help you change a few words (as We did recently) if the original could serve as a deterrent to acceptance of the truth in the teaching. Sometimes I am a bit redundant, and sometimes you are not attentive enough.

Your task is to share these teachings with friends, family, and others that come to you or that I send. Particularly, you are to share with your health education profession, so that I can be rather directly involved in encouraging the inclusion of spirit as an important factor in the health of individuals and of communities. There are many who are open and receptive to these teachings. Present them both directly and in your Ruminations format… and be open to other ways, as well.

SAT., MAY 8, 1982, 6:12 AM

It seems appropriate, o son, to offer you a teaching about this process, “this that We do together”, on this cool, quiet morning. You still have feelings of doubt as you are in the experience… and also as you read the words at another time. Oh, I know that the doubt is mixed with faith and with a certain amount of certainty, but it still persists. Time, experience, and a larger volume of these teachings shall gradually erode your doubts, but from time to time (I’m “big” on time expressions . . .

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