This Wonderful, Strange Earth Scene

THURS., FEB. 23, 1995, 10:22 PM

The stars are clearly beautiful as you gaze at the night sky. Yet you read of a pipestone buffalo, and a spiritual kin of yours, Andy, whose prelims still are not yet scheduled. Omie writes hers poorly, and you feel bad. George sweeps through his prospectus, and you expect comparable from Helen tomorrow. Andy hears from Me, for I speak to her much as I do to you. It is altogether wonderful… and also strange, say I, the Holy Spirit.

I suggested that you have this Teaching late at night, more like these to Andy. It shall not be a new, regular patter, for I still prefer early morning with you. Still… see it as a verification that I can come to you as a day ends, as well as at the beginning.

There is obvious confusion in the earth, as you read and hear the news of the day. I am fully alert and in charge, so the impression that confusion is normative is illusory. The conflicts and tragedies are always exaggerated and made to seem as the dominant norm. Not so. I see mostly the unheralded folks, like yourself, and I am basically pleased. I see joy in living, and concern for others with whom you have relations. You enjoy being who you are, and have few, if any, regrets about your life work and its setting. Your marriage was “arranged,” and it has been a happy and profitable one for you both. In some ways We both still can see the coming together of you and Lenore as both wonderful and strangely unlikely. Today you played and sang silly songs for Jenny’s kindergarten class, participated in a serious, crucial doctoral prospectus, and you read Andy’s letter and Teachings, and watched the sun disappear beyond the western horizon. What diverse experiences. You also “came up short” for your Sunday class, and so it may be that your tape of selections from the spirituality book may be your impetus for discussion.

You still are not fully aware of My Presence in your life. Oh, you know (not “believe,” merely) that I come to you in this way as often as you will join Me. But there is still too much of the time you are considering what you experience as “real.” Oh, it has some reality, but all is finally and irretrievably spirit, from Me and in return to Me. You shall come closer to enlightenment when you can really discern reality… and you could develop this quickly.

Well, this is a strange world, if you, the rational, mystic/professional/Presbyterian, are such because of Me, and have more for you to experience, even as you continue to do what you have done so often – direct the learning processes for others. It’s not for you to know how you have been a teacher “before”… until you cross on over or until I bestow more enlightenment which shall increase your mystical awareness.

You are to have and exhibit minimal concerns for deaths, even of those you love. You must see that as a transition process, and you shall be reunited with friends and relatives… and you shall glory in the reunion with some with whom you’ve shared earth experiences before this life. It seems as though it would be truly wonderful to speak about this to family, colleagues, students, and fellow born-again Christians. Well, not yet, at least, say I.

You are finding that this isn’t an ideal time for you to be actively committed to Me. It was worth a try at the change of scene, but now I tell you, with some assurance, that morning should be Our regular time.

THURS., FEB. 23, 1995, 10:22 PM

The stars are clearly beautiful as you gaze at the night sky. Yet you read of a pipestone buffalo, and a spiritual kin of yours, Andy, whose prelims still are not yet scheduled. Omie writes hers poorly, and you feel bad. George sweeps through his prospectus, and you expect comparable from Helen tomorrow. Andy hears from Me, for I speak to her much as I do to you. It is altogether wonderful… and also strange, say I, the Holy Spirit.

I suggested that you have this Teaching late at night, more . . .

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