Those Who Hear And See

THURS., FEB. 3, 1983, 5:25 AM

It is normal for most of you humans to have ears and eyes that function, so that you hear the sounds of the earth plane and see the variety of solid, tangible sights that are part of My creation (or so it seems). It also is normal that some rather small number shall hear and/or see beyond the perceptions of the majority. Some have great psychic powers, all ultimately given by Me (though some have been developed as a part of spiritual growth, in the earth and elsewhere). You, o son, are privileged to have some of this capacity in this mature stage of this earth life.

Those who hear and see beyond the ordinary are a mixed group. Some, like yourself, are attuned mostly to Me, and each thereby represents a way that I communicate into the Earth. My ways of communicating are infinite, of course, but I do not intrude into the lives of most humans, for this earth is a test, and I allow much spiritual freedom to all but a few.

Certainly, in the culture in which you live it is difficult to explain how you hear beyond what is heard by most. The response typically is that your mind is active and is creating these words. Consciously or unconsciously you are desiring to “show off” and so you write what you call Teachings and attribute them to Me, the Holy Spirit. They cannot be verified. They do not agree perfectly with Holy Scripture. They are to be discounted… or better, just ignored.

Still, you persist, because you know that you hear in this supranormal way. It represents a small purpose of Mine, a means of communicating to some who shall hear Me through these Teachings and your use of them. You may stay away for some time and you may leave them disorganized for a time (as now), but you ultimately shall return and hear… and write what you hear… and be faithful to this mission for which you are prepared and to which you are called.

There is much to be heard and seen in the spiritual realms that are available here in the earth. My servant Hugh Lynn’s analogy is a good one… like the myriad waves that can be translated by a radio into words, music, and other sounds and like those that a television set can translate into pictures and sounds, so the human mind and spirit, working together, can be a means of hearing and seeing what is not visible or audible without the special or developed “receiver”.

Mabel hears directly, and she has been a faithful hearing servant for many years and has developed this capacity well. Compared with her you are slow and still hindered by the functioning of your own mind. Yet you persist, as you should, and what I send to and through you can be and is of benefit to some who would never encounter her or would not respond to the style I use with her. Your growth continues. Know that you are one of those who hear. Be appreciative and share in appropriate ways. There shall be some surprising ways that I shall open for you. Be aware.

THURS., FEB. 3, 1983, 5:25 AM

It is normal for most of you humans to have ears and eyes that function, so that you hear the sounds of the earth plane and see the variety of solid, tangible sights that are part of My creation (or so it seems). It also is normal that some rather small number shall hear and/or see beyond the perceptions of the majority. Some have great psychic powers, all ultimately given by Me (though some have been developed as a part of spiritual growth, in the earth and elsewhere . . .

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