Those Who Respond

THURS., FEB. 28, 1984, 7:08 AM

The rhythm that you have established for this month is a productive one, and pleasing to Me. You come willingly to receive these new teachings, and, you also have a time of reading Teachings previously received. It just is not of most value to have more new Teachings, with many others not reread and studied. So let’s stay with this allocation of “time together” for this month ahead.

Today, as the snow falls and blows and the world outside is white, let Us consider those who respond to this unique spiritual gift which is yours to employ. The parable of the sower was one that applied to Me, as Jesus, but it has relevance to virtually everyone who teaches… and certainly to you. Some of these Teachings, even as they come from Me, the Holy Spirit, will “fall on rocky ground”. Those who hear shall not be impressed… and some will reject because of the style… or because of some point of content. Some, of course, shall not want to listen, for a variety of reasons. So, circulation for Ruminations will not be increasing to unmanageable numbers, and any class you have will not “require a larger room.”

Some of these “seeds sown” will fall on poor soil, will sprout and rise up, but when the weather is too hot or too dry they shall wither and die. This means that some who listen shall be immediately impressed and shall want to read and hear more, for perhaps this is the perfect gospel that they seek, to fit their perceptions of spiritual matters. But each one is not newer and more exciting than the rest, and so they slowly turn away because you are not the “expected one” or they turn away suddenly to yet another exciting source.

Yet some of these seeds shall fall on fertile ground, and the plants shall rise up and flourish, and provide nourishing food for a multitude. Some who listen will hear, and will return to hear more. You are now able to number “those who respond”. The principle of the little parable I gave you years ago still applies. Some of those who respond are those I have given to you (some not so willingly)… those who need the food that I send through you… and a few who come because they have been in relationship with you before, pleasantly and productively.

Yet others respond because the Teachings fill a personal spiritual need, and they come out of their own will. You have no accurate way of discerning one from another, so let yourself have a few passing guesses, but do not expend efforts trying to determine which each individual is. It truly is not important.

Kris is one on whom I’m comment. I referred to her once as a “strange little servant”, partly to see how she would respond. Some who were described in such terms would be offended in some measure; she was glad to be recognized. Even though her own life is far from idyllic she teaches well, and she is influencing many young people to consider spirit as a factor in health. You shall soon have an opportunity to assist her… and add to her credibility. Take this responsibility seriously because she is serving Me in ways unimaginable just a few years back. Continue to give her special attention.

Dorothy is another who has responded, slowly but with some zeal. Finish the tape for her, and then just resolve to do others for her, with some regularity. She has spiritual needs, and these Teachings can help meet these. Thence she can be a happier, more whole person, and the services she renders to others can be of higher quality.

THURS., FEB. 28, 1984, 7:08 AM

The rhythm that you have established for this month is a productive one, and pleasing to Me. You come willingly to receive these new teachings, and, you also have a time of reading Teachings previously received. It just is not of most value to have more new Teachings, with many others not reread and studied. So let’s stay with this allocation of “time together” for this month ahead.

Today, as the snow falls and blows and the world outside is white, let Us consider those who respond to this unique . . .

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