Those Who Suffer

FRI., NOV. 11, 1994, 6:50 AM

Suffering is a part of earth life. There are many forms of suffering, and many ways to suffer. There are physical pains of many “sorts,” in nature and in strength. There are emotional pains, sometimes mixed with intellectual discomfort because of what you do or do not know. Then there is spiritual suffering, again in many manifestations, but severe when it comes from a separation from Me… or that awful sense that I don’t exist at all.

Everyone must suffer in some ways. That’s part of what could be called “the earth contract.” The spiritual task is to overcome the suffering or to endure it with faith and the strength I can give you. Spirit can grow and mature in experiences of suffering, and, as you well know, that’s what this total experience of life is “about.”

Then, to maintain a proper balance, I’ll say that for most humans suffering is a minor part of life, in intensity or in duration. That’s the important realization: suffering can be, and usually is, overcome, and spirit is much more important than medications. In severe suffering medications can be considered a gift from Me, but spirit is still the best palliative. Together they are a combination of which I often approve.

Cancer is a major cause of suffering in your culture. I did not design cancer as a means of human suffering, but I allowed it as a consequence to the life-style in your “modern culture.” I can prevent cancer from developing, should I have special purposes for certain earth lives. I can diminish cancer cells, and I can cause a complete remission, with or without chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery. (So prayers for a remission in Chris are perfectly legitimate and can be answered.) But mostly I let the conditions of earth life develop as they will. Your modern culture offers many advantages, but many of its waste products are toxic, and the response of some bodies is cancer. And cancer brings suffering. It is a balance I see is fair.

Then there are those who suffer emotionally, with depression being one particularly difficult condition. This is most often some combination of hereditary predisposition (again, I don’t often tinker with genes and chromosomes), reactions to circumstances that are too extreme or inappropriate, and a lack of the spirit that accepts life as a unique dance. Medications may again be helpful, and even a treatment as extreme as electric shock, which your Mother required, can reduce the state of depression.

FRI., NOV. 11, 1994, 6:50 AM

Suffering is a part of earth life. There are many forms of suffering, and many ways to suffer. There are physical pains of many “sorts,” in nature and in strength. There are emotional pains, sometimes mixed with intellectual discomfort because of what you do or do not know. Then there is spiritual suffering, again in many manifestations, but severe when it comes from a separation from Me… or that awful sense that I don’t exist at all.

Everyone must suffer in some ways. That’s part of what could be . . .

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