Thoughts About “Moving On…”

WED., NOV. 7, 2001, 2:02 PM

As your pains and disabilities not only don’t abate but seem to increase you are having more thoughts and muses about “moving on.” This means leaving this once-good body here in the earth (in some “form”), with your spirit moving on to the realm best for you … this time.

Such thoughts have a “mixed quality… you don’t feel completely ready to “move on” (you would want this desk and room to be much neater, wouldn’t you!?) BUT there are FEWER satisfactions (even as you still have some good ones) AND you don’t want to end up crippled, in pain, and incompetent. You are not sure what “the next life” will be like, but you do have faith (sometimes weak, sometimes strong) that you will be welcomed and that there will be joy and satisfactions “wherever you will be.”

You don’t feel quite ready for “moving on,” but you also realize that you are becoming less and less involved with day-to-day life. It’s a bit like – you’re “getting ready to get ready.” Oh, you sill have a few “constants,” but it’s as if you are just letting life go on, at its pace, while yours is not sufficient to “keep up.”

You do feel, rightly, that you have a fine place here in/on which to complete this earth life, as Bob Russell. The chores are just about “right” for maintaining your health… not just “your life.” The Autumn season here has been a fine one, and the temperature is still “more like summer than winter.” You have enjoyed the “four seasons,” and you should continue to do so. Consider that each season can be seen as “your favorite” as it commences, but then… the next one can seem increasingly enticing.

You have some fantasies about how life will be without a body…what a “spiritual body” will be like? But you are progressing through this earth life quite well. One feature of what I call “well” is letting go of an age in which you have been and moving on, with anticipation, of “what comes next.” Oh, I approve of your musing on earlier times in your life, just so you don’t “forget” who, what and where you “have been.”

As I’ve told you, most of this life is now past… behind you. There aren’t many crucial decisions ahead that would change this life, as you’re now living it. You are becoming less “personally concerned” about the state of your nation and of the world. Oh, you realize that certain changed conditions could diminish the quality of this last portion of your life, BUT you accept, more and more, that there’s not much you can do not to “straighten out the world.” Be much more willing to enjoy what is “your lot” rather than yearning for “what was” or “something better.” Example: this left hand will never function as it once did, and it may be progressively weaker. Nevertheless, use it as much as you can, “enjoying “what it can still do.” It’s not perfect, BUT it’s your left hand, so honor and enjoy it. And, of course, I can speak comparably of your feet.

Increasingly you have thoughts about what Lenore will be “left with.” You are not well-insured (and you should find out just how you are insured), so she will not have much beyond what the two of you have now. So… live as frugally as is comfortable during your last years and… I do approve of no great medical expenditures to prolong your bodily life. I’ll just warn you – if you should so spend you will have consequences when you do “come on over.” I approve of some medical care of the modern “ilk,” but not when it comes to prolonging an old life. (That is one “remedy” for the coming population increase – palliative care ONLY after a certain age, with other obvious losses.)

So… I say to you now… enjoy your life, give as little attention to your pains and losses, do as much as you can to keep this place looking “somewhat tidied,” don’t take “unnecessary chances,” but take “necessary ones,” muse on your life as it has been (so you don’t forget how good it has been), re-read Teachings from Me to you over these more than 20 years, AND keep coming for “more,” for I shall be with you for “the duration.”

WED., NOV. 7, 2001, 2:02 PM

As your pains and disabilities not only don’t abate but seem to increase you are having more thoughts and muses about “moving on.” This means leaving this once-good body here in the earth (in some “form”), with your spirit moving on to the realm best for you … this time.

Such thoughts have a “mixed quality… you don’t feel completely ready to “move on” (you would want this desk and room to be much neater, wouldn’t you!?) BUT there are FEWER satisfactions (even as you still have some . . .

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