Thoughts About Worship

WED., JULY 9, 1986, 5:47 AM

You were quick to pick up this title, o son. You shall be a functioning part of the worship service this next Christian sabbath, so I thought you should be reminded of some aspects of this activity of Mine.

Yes, it is an activity of Mine. Though worship is pointed toward Me… is fundamentally about Me… it also is influenced, yea sometimes directed by Me. This involves that old puzzle about free will and response to My will. Wouldn’t it be better to be merely the object or subject of the worship? Shouldn’t I let the worship service be toward Me without My influence? Oh, I do this occasionally, but it isn’t particularly satisfying or gratifying for anyone involved. So most of the time I am involved, largely in response to prayers for help. I do help, often, and worshippers benefit, if those leading the service are being “carried” by Me.

Remember that life in the earth, when spirit is relatively strong, is a rhythm, a balance, between self-motivated actions and the grace I give, rather freely. I do test, and I do affirm that I must see, at times what you can do “on your own.” But when you ask for My help, “I am a sucker for giving it.” So, when you ask, in formal or informal prayer, for help in your role as a worship leader, be assured that I shall be there.

Good worship service can incorporate a range of emotions and feelings. Generally, they should be positive in tone, cheerfully thanking Me for bounties and capacities and affirming the positive values of life. Yet I mustn’t let you forget the dour side of worship… the remembrance of sin and evil, the testing of souls, the times when I pull away and leave certain persons and groups to their own resources. Then a lamenting worship is appropriate.

This Sunday you need not be burdened with such a test. You shall ask, and I shall be with you. You shall reflect that positive spirit that is yours, which does rejoice in the power of My Spirit. Even if you should make some mistake (which is unlikely because of your consciousness of the content and the process of the standard service of your church), you would joyfully recover and show your ability to be innovative and reparative. This is not a performance. It is the genuine leading of a worship service. You have waited a long time to do this. Just relax, smile, and let Me help.

As for prayers… go over the worship book with care and incorporate some of the ideas, but don’t read any prayers you don’t have to. You can pray reasonably well in public (better than in private, most of the time), so do it. You can have notes, but also be open for spontaneous affirmations and bits of thankfulness.

You shall assist in ways that are better than most, but remember that this is no contest. I am just as pleased when a servant of Mine, not as advanced as you spiritually or not as comfortable as you are before the congregation, tries, bumbles, or is wooden and uninspired behind My table… as when you do it well. I have elected you, but I do not love you more because of that. And yet you know that My love is sufficient. Do what you do, not to please Me, but just in appreciation for Our relationship.

WED., JULY 9, 1986, 5:47 AM

You were quick to pick up this title, o son. You shall be a functioning part of the worship service this next Christian sabbath, so I thought you should be reminded of some aspects of this activity of Mine.

Yes, it is an activity of Mine. Though worship is pointed toward Me… is fundamentally about Me… it also is influenced, yea sometimes directed by Me. This involves that old puzzle about free will and response to My will. Wouldn’t it be better to be merely the object or subject of . . .

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