Thoughts On “A Time Of Healing”

SAT., DEC. 2, 2000, 2:02 PM

You are here, warm inside your Farmhouse, noting the season’s first snowfall. Your feet are sore, but you assume that your good, old body still has healing and restorative powers. You can call your “adventure,” now more than a week ago, the result of mistakes in judgment… OR you can see it as one of My more outrageous means of “illuminating” your spirit.

What does this mean? Your teaching career…classes and all of that… is over, and your interests in the “facts” relevant to the courses you taught are abating. Your body is losing capacities, most of which will not return. So this “accident” is an invitation to let your spirit grow and develop. As much as possible, see all that happened and that continues to happen as “spirit in action.”

You were in danger that night “in the woods, but your “still strong” physical body was a factor in your eventual “emergence” and return to home. I helped some, in postponing the pain which you now experience. You wanted to “conquer” with your own capacities, and I like this display of spirit. There would be “a time” (obviously) for the feet to hurt… but not that night, on “the way back.” You are not yet quite ready to give up your “independence,” but now you must. You need more help now. Accept it when it is offered, by people who love you – Lenore, John Patrick Bobaire, Debbie… but also remember that you have opportunities, even now, to be appreciative of help extended… and you will need to be aware of more of these as you recover.

You have much faith in your own recuperative powers, but you also are aware that your years are approaching three score and fifteen. Recovery will not be as quick or as complete as it would have been in your younger years. So you will have a spiritual struggle – what should you continue to struggle to recover and retain, and what should you just “give up “… as a “cost” of both this incident and your age? I’ll help… but I’m less willing than you are, even, to continue earth life with losses that leave you non-functional.

As I’ve told you I didn’t “cause” this post-Thanksgiving walk, but as I saw it “developing” I could have aborted it, but decided it could be quite a unique spiritual adventure. I gave you some protection, for I saw no point in your dying “out there and unattended.” You came through it, as I expected, and now you have the physical, psychological, and spiritual challenge of dealing with painful, dysfunctional feet.

Even if there should be some permanent damage you still retain many capacities to be utilized and developed in these last years of earth life. You had hoped to be more physically capable in these last years. Now you shall have to settle for some different “balances,” in your life than you expected, before Thanksgiving.

So, don’t expect to heal back to “just as you were.” Accept My urgings to focus more on the spiritual… as the dimension of health that “goes with you,” as you, eventually, drop your body. And I will continue to urge you to make the most of this incident and the damages therefrom.

And isn’t it “fortunate” that this is “the time” to compose the final Ruminations for this year, 2000. The “event” will be the springboard, and these current Teachings will be vital, but I also want you to find other Teachings that also relate, even as they were (supposedly) unintended. You have had some other “times of healing” during this more than 2 decades of active relationship. I predict you will find some that are surprisingly “includable.”

SAT., DEC. 2, 2000, 2:02 PM

You are here, warm inside your Farmhouse, noting the season’s first snowfall. Your feet are sore, but you assume that your good, old body still has healing and restorative powers. You can call your “adventure,” now more than a week ago, the result of mistakes in judgment… OR you can see it as one of My more outrageous means of “illuminating” your spirit.

What does this mean? Your teaching career…classes and all of that… is over, and your interests in the “facts” relevant to the courses you taught . . .

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