Thoughts On Three Health Issues

FRI., APR. 9, 1993, 7:19 AM

Of the many health related issues that you and your culture have identified your attention yesterday was on two – the environment and youth drinking. The one for today is sexual harassment. You should not be surprised that have a “Teaching’s worth” of thoughts on these three. They are part of My earth scene. They are problems. They are part of your culture’s life.

Let’s commence with the positive, the orientation I keep urging on you. You look out at this Farm that is taking on the beauty of Spring. It is spacious, as is this old house. There is plenty of room, and you are doing a fairly creditable job of maintaining the life here. Yet the number one problem, as reported in Patrick’s study, was overpopulation. I have told you in a number of ways over Our years together that the population of people is beginning to cause harm to the earth that cannot be easily repaired, unless the people, and their appetites for luxuries, are diminished. I have not decided on any catastrophic happening (which surely would be seen as a problem!), but, increasingly I am allowing an accumulation of death-causing conditions, events, and situations. Even as most of the people of China are not active servants of Mine and their government is not supportive of any religion that acknowledges Me, I have to admire their actions to prevent their population growth from ruining their land. As I have told you, conceptions and births can become much like cancer – healthy cells destroying the host… the earth. It is not easy for these people who have had a long tradition of larger families to be pressed to do what is best for the already too large whole.

I want My people to show forth their love, from Me, and to Me, in stewardship of this unique earth – its land, its air, and its many waters. Ultimately there must be fewer people and less production. I shall increasingly begin to use what seem to be catastrophes to encourage this stewardship.

The next issue to engage your attention was consumption of alcohol by young people in this region. As you well know, alcohol is a simple substance, the natural consequence of plants working together. Yet over consumption can result in problems, while moderate consumption can encourage gaiety and good times. I am not opposed to people having fun, even when this is encouraged by drinking. As a relative few people have too many children, so a few have too many drinks and do harm to themselves, to others, and to the environment.

Babies and children are a good, until they are excessive. Beer is a good, a natural product, until it is consumed excessively, by some, including some number of youth. Of course I see that much of the harm that comes is caused more by a youngsters sense of self and reaction to the world she or he is in than by the beer consumption. If there is love of Me, engendered by My love for that youth, behavior, even after drinking, is not often harmful. How to make young people feel that love is the great challenge of the spirit, in earth life.

FRI., APR. 9, 1993, 7:19 AM

Of the many health related issues that you and your culture have identified your attention yesterday was on two – the environment and youth drinking. The one for today is sexual harassment. You should not be surprised that have a “Teaching’s worth” of thoughts on these three. They are part of My earth scene. They are problems. They are part of your culture’s life.

Let’s commence with the positive, the orientation I keep urging on you. You look out at this Farm that is taking on the beauty of . . .

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