Three “Bible Stories”

FRI., JUNE 10, 1994, 6:00 AM

This morning, as the doves coo and the trade winds blow lightly I shall tell you of three interpretations of these Holy Scriptures that are The Bible. You remember, and have quoted fairly often, the Teaching in which I told you of three ways in which servants are fundamental Christians. I’ll use that model again, applying it to these “Books” that I do call Holy.

One form of fundamentalism is complete faith in and reliance on these Scriptures, as the Word and the Way. These Scriptures are an accurate account of what was done and said in historical time. There was a Garden of Eden. There was a flood… and a tower of Babel. There was an Abraham who came from Ur of the Chaldeas. There was a Jesus Who was born in Bethlehem, Who lived in a narrow region of the Middle East, and Who was crucified outside of Jerusalem.

More importantly, the words that were said, including those by Me, as Almighty God, even when “no one else was around,” are recorded accurately, and they mean the same today as when they were uttered. The acts and words in these Scriptures are God’s Way, today as well as in the past… and on into the future. Proclamations from Leviticus, from Isaiah, and from I Corinthians should determine how we are to live in this time. “Thou shalt not kill” means no abortions, even though I commanded the killing of Canaanites, including women and children. Doctrine derives from Scripture. Together these are the only basis for morality.

Whenever there is a question of what to do, go back to the Bible. The exact words are important, and it matters not that this may be a mixture of Genesis, Jesus, and Paul. Certain texts, however, become the basic Scripture. These should be learned and quoted when questions arise.

As I have told you, this form of fundamentalism fits your culture the best, for it is definite, tangible, available to anyone. It is “there” to be read and learned and followed. Any other way is too potentially “of the devil”.

Then there is the “fundy” whose model is My life as Jesus. The Bible is the cradle in which Jesus, the Christ, is laid. The Old Testament is prelude. Jesus’ life is “the Way”. What Jesus said and did are important, partly in their historical context, but, more importantly, “What would He do now, in this present culture and earth scene”? As Jesus I lived, preached, healed, and told parables. I was… and Am… the Living Word. I am Love. I am The Answer, no matter what the question. I spoke out against those who opposed Me with Scripture, doctrine, and tradition. I talked to women. I brought peace… and also a sword. I was for the “underdog”. I gave up My earth life in order than many, even sinners, could live eternally with Me. I Am the Way. I Am the Word.

Then there is the mystical interpretation, the “tradition” in which I have “put” you, and the one least acceptable in your culture’s Christianity. In this, the Bible is a mystical book, offering clues for living, but clues that may be interpreted quite differently by different people. The Garden of Eden story may be the beginning of evil and sin in the earth, or it may be, as I have told you, a story of My Will for the earth… “get the good kids out of the Garden”.

As Holy Spirit I have more importance, for I came to help form the Church, and I have allowed and influenced quite a diversity of “ways”. I still come, invited and uninvited, to persons, to lead them in ways, unimagined or irrelevant to the times of the Bible. The Scriptures are important, but as a means for seeing life at this end of the 20h century, in any of the cultures that prevail.

I tell you I love diversity. I tell another servant that I favor exclusion and exclusiveness, so she can’t accept you. And isn’t this a great example of diversity? I use your writing and speaking style, rather than more traditional “Biblical” language. I tell you I have a sense of fun and humor, which is exemplified in the messages I give to some others that I am tired of the evil in this earth, and I shall soon bring on Armageddon and the Rapture. You may well think… “this is a sense of humor?”

I love all three interpretations, which fit fairly well with the Three that is Me – – God Almighty, Jesus, the Son, and Holy Spirit. Hear Me often. Yes, Yes.

Yes, Yes.
6:59 AM