Three “Birthdays” In A Week

MON., MAY 20, 1996, 8:17 PM

Yes, o son, I did initially say “two”, but I’ll accept that you want to include your own, as it also falls within this week span. Today marks the 17th year, to the day, that I have been speaking to you, as Holy Spirit. On that 20th of May in 1979 you were surprised on that 10th day into your promise to Me for an early-every-morning writing meditation when I took over your “pen”, and you were suddenly writing what I was telling you. As you reread that Teaching it sounds rather strange, for I had to get your attention with some “soaring” words. I still do this, from time to time, but you are now comfortable enough with Me to accept less flamboyance.

This has been a good 17 years. With all else that you have to do you are fairly well organized, and the priority you give to these Teachings and to the quarterly Ruminations is quite satisfactory. You shall do even better as your teaching career wanes, and you have fewer “requirements” for your time.

Simultaneously, on Sunday next it shall be your 70th earth birthday, the reaching of the Biblical 3 score and 10. This signifies that you have lived as many years as a human generally should. If you live more I want you to consider these as bonus years… years you don’t deserve, but can accept as a gift in order to serve Me in ways I designate. Is this an absolute… one that applies to all humans? No, it just is a symbol that I designate for you. It means you should give increasingly equal consideration to your life as you are living it here and to your life in the spirit, beyond the grave. I am pushing you in that direction, and you are showing little resistance, even as it seems a bit odd.

The third “birthday” is symbolically, that of the Church. There is no definite date for this happening, nor even an agreed-upon number of years “ago”. Let’s just say it’s more than 1900 years and somewhat less than 2,000. I came as wind and fire, and I energized scared and immobilized disciples and new followers of Mine, as Jesus, into action, fellowship, and evangelism that led to the present Church, in its many and diverse forms… with much more doctrine than I see as necessary. But then, doctrine is not My strong point.

As you consider this past that we now are considering, you note that when this era of regularly acting like a mystic commences you were not yet 53, you lived here, and you were active in the Cobden Presbyterian Church. But you soon would return to this congregation in Carbondale, with only a bit more possibility that this gift would be recognized and valued by at least a few in this church.

I have not pushed you to “come out of the closet” and boldly assert that I have chosen you for this special mission and that these Teachings I give to you are important for this time and this culture. You would not be happy with such a “push”. (Maybe in a couple more “lifetimes”!)

You feel some pride in reaching this 70th year, still teaching full time. You shall have to get used to classroom days like today. It is the end of an era, and I want you to tell stories and let students in on how you have developed over these 70 years. This means that if you planned as you did for today you will not complete all that you intended. I urge you to accept this and just plan less and let the class sessions develop as they will.

MON., MAY 20, 1996, 8:17 PM

Yes, o son, I did initially say “two”, but I’ll accept that you want to include your own, as it also falls within this week span. Today marks the 17th year, to the day, that I have been speaking to you, as Holy Spirit. On that 20th of May in 1979 you were surprised on that 10th day into your promise to Me for an early-every-morning writing meditation when I took over your “pen”, and you were suddenly writing what I was telling you. As you reread that . . .

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