Three Church Happenings

SUN., MAY 3, 1998, 5:55 AM

Your poor eyesight was responsible for your being here with Me. You see how I can use a “loss” to My advantage, it being now an hour earlier than you thought. This shall be one of those infrequent two-part Teachings, this one purposeful… looking at the events of the morning in preparation… and then, later, in retrospect.

First, it shall be a morning of being elected to the office you have been occupying for some time – Ruling Elder and Clerk of Session. This, of course, is not really an election, for there is no competition. Everyone nominated is elected… but it at least symbolizes the democratic process. As I have told you often, I see some advantages in this process, called democratic, as a form of government, but, finally, I am in charge, which is a monarchy, mostly benevolent, but with ultimate power.

The processes you go through, as a Session, are worthwhile, but time consuming. And yet, thus far, you are keeping the church functional in a time of upset. Your son’s church, with a more autocratic structure is suffering from its need for a bit more representative democracy. The Church, My Body, is perfect only by definition.

A second highlight of the morning should be an announcement that the Capital Campaign is well on its way, with $X already pledged, and… how much more is needed!? You are not wholly behind this campaign, for you judge that I am not, either. Oh, you realize that others, of your age, did give to make the building as it is now, and so you should do, for a generation ahead. Yet there are other needs, in the community and in the world… How shall it be, with your congregation (with the “positive spin”) you expect to hear this morning)?

( 6:28 A / 2:43 P )

A pleasant interruption – your old friend and semi-son, Bobaire – full of tales from the river that point to perceptions of spirit on tow-boats, made even more obvious by this pilots’ strike. He is one who is tuned in to spirit, and you are a help to him in this. See that he is up-to-date in receiving Our Ruminations.

Now back to this morning’s service. As expected, you and all of the other nominees were elected without a challenge. This shall be an interesting year on the Session. Be as little involved in the “politics” of the board and the Body. Be a good listener and a faithful, accurate scribe, using several “unique” words in each set of minutes.

As expected the Capital Campaign’s progress was reported in quite a positive way. The selected, “best” donors have pledged over 2/3 of the goal, so the chances are good that the Campaign will be successful… or close to it. Yet, as you calculate, this “goal” is less than half of what will be needed, even with this year’s estimates. The partly finished structure will stand as the impetus for more giving, but I tell you (and, remember, I can be communicating something quite different to other people…even church members that you know well) that this needn’t be a major focus for your giving beyond your own needs.

The third happening (which was actually the first) was the celebration of Holy Communion, unfortunately (from My perspective) abbreviated because of time pressures. This sacrament is the remembrance of a Last Supper, I and My disciples (speaking as Jesus), with no church to call Our own. I had no property, and I needed none. My Body was to be broken (nailed and pierced), but later I led Paul to proclaim that the Church, established in My Name, was now My Body, and it was to be both broken and restored. You, in your church, are distant heirs to this mystical proclamation. Do you really need a refurbished building to be such an heir? Hmmm.

You are once again as “officer” in this church’s organization, but I do not call on you to be the leader of any faction. Increasingly you can interpret all such situations as means to spirit growth, whatever the outcome. If I want you to be an active “combatant” I shall tell you, quite directly. Otherwise, take “sides” reluctantly and infrequently, observe, interpret, and write, in the dual capacity that is yours again.

SUN., MAY 3, 1998, 5:55 AM

Your poor eyesight was responsible for your being here with Me. You see how I can use a “loss” to My advantage, it being now an hour earlier than you thought. This shall be one of those infrequent two-part Teachings, this one purposeful… looking at the events of the morning in preparation… and then, later, in retrospect.

First, it shall be a morning of being elected to the office you have been occupying for some time – Ruling Elder and Clerk of Session. This, of course, is not really an election . . .

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