Three Important Themes

SAT., FEB. 19, 1994, 4:02 AM

The morning worship tomorrow will be conducted by the youth of your congregation, and it should be quite a happy time. The Scriptures they chose contain three important themes, so… what do you suppose I shall focus on in this early morning… with pain everpresent?

One theme is… let the children come unto Me, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven. There are scholars galore, and innumerable books challenging and verifying the presence of Christ and of Me as viable forces in earth life. And there is childlike faith and acceptance that is greater, in My eyes, than theological knowledge and “correctness.” I still joy in the child or youth who “just believes” and lets that belief become a conviction and a guide for life action.

You come to Me in faith, in spite of the skepticism many of your fellow Christians have (or would have if they thought about it enough and had to make a judgment about the “practice”). These Teachings come to you easily and often. How should they be considered? The collection of volumes you now have may or may not become the focus for attention of many. What they represent most specifically is that you come and write, with full faith that what you hear is I, the Holy Spirit, speaking to you of many aspects of the life you lead. I call. You come. This, and many other examples of childlike faith, accepted rather fully and completely by Me and warrant My encouragement. I say, “Keep coming”… and, in faith, you will.

The second Scripture is a followup to one of last week, when Kind David, overwhelmed by the presence of the Ark of the Covenant, danced before it and before Me, with exuberance and abandon. In this portion he is criticized by his wife, King Saul’s daughter. She is embarrassed, and definitely not pleased by this form of exuberance…and she tells him. Here, then, is the theme: David did not accept her criticism, and, instead, asserted that he had been chosen by the Lord, over Saul, certainly, and that whatever he did about this symbol of relationship was pleasing to God (which it was!).

Hence, a second important theme is that I accept you, as you are, and that I don’t want you scurrying away from controversy. Increasingly I want you to not only accept this “gift” I have given you, but to share it with others, comfortably.

Another relevant Scripture is that blaspheming the Holy Spirit is an unforgivable sin. I’m still waiting for you to “lay this on” someone who seems to scoff and question whether I really would do this, with you. I do not always forgive. It is as easy to feel that every act, with bad motives or bad consequences, will be forgiven, almost automatically. Always remember that I have the power to reject insincere requests for forgiveness. This reason is one I mentioned, as Jesus… and, hence, may reject some who look for the “real” Holy Spirit, a creation of their own.

The third theme is the bold affirmation that “this is the Day that the Lord hath made, so let us rejoice and be glad in it.” First, let’s say that the first portion of the verse can be accepted or rejected, without My concern. One truth is that I don’t shape and craft every day for everyone who hears Me or is susceptible to My call. Days are natural phenomena, not individually engineered for each person. The opposite truth is that I do take opportunities to provide experiences for those who need such. Mostly these days are not discernible, but, occasionally, the one for whom I have “made a day” sees it as very special… like unto the day I manipulated your manuscript and brought you to this way of learning.

SAT., FEB. 19, 1994, 4:02 AM

The morning worship tomorrow will be conducted by the youth of your congregation, and it should be quite a happy time. The Scriptures they chose contain three important themes, so… what do you suppose I shall focus on in this early morning… with pain everpresent?

One theme is… let the children come unto Me, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven. There are scholars galore, and innumerable books challenging and verifying the presence of Christ and of Me as viable forces in earth life. And there is childlike faith and . . .

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