Three… In One?!

WED., AUG. 30, 1995, 12:32 PM

This morning’s discussion dealt again with some mystical issues. Fundamentally, this favorite religion of Mine doesn’t have to “make sense” in terms of secular logic. It simply is fraught with the mystical. In this way of “perceiving” two non-congruent ideas or statements can each be true, showing forth different facets of truth. If you are aware of this nature of Holy Scripture and can appreciate the significance of different truths you are much closer to Me than those who are troubled by such “inconsistencies” or are actually turned away by them.

Richard’s “worry” of the morning is a fine example, metaphorically. The person who says, “These Scriptures aren’t consistent, and I can’t believe in something that is so unclear” is comparable to the young man who drove to the church last Sunday, found no parking place real close to the church, so he went back home. There just are some conditions that those who would come close to Me must meet. The notion that someone I am leading to worship would not heed My call because of no handy parking space is pretty silly. And… I don’t expect every servant of Mine, including clergy, to listen to Me directly and write what they hear… but I expect this of you, and I’ll continue to so expect.

One mystical phenomenon in this morning’s lesson was that I was speaking, as Jesus, and rather clearly indicating that I am different from the Father and also from the “Comforter”, meaning Me, the Holy Spirit. I say that I, Jesus, must go away so that I, the Holy Spirit, may come. And the Spirit, who is different from Me, Jesus, will speak only what He has heard from Me, who has heard it from the Father.

Then I say, shucks, We are all One. If I am here, I am also here, even if I also am somewhere (“many-wheres”) else also. I, as God, am here. I, as the Christ, am here. I, the Holy Sprit, am here. Who else do you need? Are others waiting because I’m with you, and not available? Not on My account. If others wait they’re just not tuned in properly to Me.

All right, let Me clarify that last statement. Some do wait for Me because I feel that they need a wait… not because I am “tied up” with you. I simply don’t have the limitations you have, as humans. And neither will you have when you move on up to spiritual status.

I also say very clearly that anything you ask, in My name, you will receive. That obviously is a mystical statement, or promise, also. You could test this out in some secularly logical ways, and prove, conclusively, that you don’t get everything you ask for. Yet, mystically, if you ask for what I want you to have, when I want you to have it, in the form I want for you, then it proves out, every time. If you are a true servant of Mine you accept, quite fully, that I am an active God/Spirit, who leads you in ways of My choosing. You didn’t, for example, call on Me, sincerely, to “spare” Chris’ life, cure her magically, and have her live, disease-free, into old age. Rather, you asked (if you asked at all) that I welcome her into My realm, assuring her of My love and concern for her. That request I would fulfill… and I did.

WED., AUG. 30, 1995, 12:32 PM

This morning’s discussion dealt again with some mystical issues. Fundamentally, this favorite religion of Mine doesn’t have to “make sense” in terms of secular logic. It simply is fraught with the mystical. In this way of “perceiving” two non-congruent ideas or statements can each be true, showing forth different facets of truth. If you are aware of this nature of Holy Scripture and can appreciate the significance of different truths you are much closer to Me than those who are troubled by such “inconsistencies” or are actually . . .

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