Three Premises

THURS., JUNE 28, 1984, 6:34 AM

Faith, o son, is what is required of you this morning. Faith and trust… for you don’t have three premises in mind, and you must trust that I shall provide. It is a faith that is worthy, for I certainly shall. The premises are not new nor surprising… but you need this kind of a review and revisiting now and again.

The first premise: God the Lord is One and Supreme. There are no other gods like unto Me and no other forces that rival Me. The earth is one of My many domains, and I have not lost control of it. To Christians I have chosen to present Myself as Three-in-One… Father God, Son and Savior Jesus, who became the Christ, and the Teaching, Guiding Holy Spirit. In other religious traditions I take other forms. It is important that you are aware of this, but not important that you seek after understanding of these other forms. There are other houses in the county, and you can be aware of some of these, but this is the one in which you live and for which you have the responsibility of upkeep. The premise is, however, that, whatever the diverse forms, I am, finally, One… and that One is in Supreme Charge.

The second premise: the essence of life is spirit. My essence is spirit (even Spirit), and that is what I breathe into each new being in the earth. Life can exist without spirit, but it has no purpose and no relating quality. The essence of your life is your spirit, but I have offered the energy of My special Spirit, and you have accepted this incredible boost. Now you don’t always behave as though you have this spirit-power… and that is bothersome to Me, as it is to you. All of the dimensions of you (and of each) are coordinated and unified by spirit. You can get your body in better shape only by enlisting the aid of spirit. You can keep this Farm as neat and functional as it should be only through the assistance of spirit. (The essence of this Farm is also spirit… and you seem to forget this.) You should not feel resentment about the time that this meditation/Teaching takes, for it is nourishment for the soul.

In the context in which you spoke yesterday there is no ultimate death because spirit lies on continuously, simply taking different forms. There eventually may be a merging with My Spirit, but this is more of a birth into ultimate reality than a death. You give up your individuality, willingly, to be part of a greater whole. But that can come only after more growth in spirit.

The third premise: Grace is the shortest way to reunion with Me. Through My life as Jesus, and particularly through My death and resurrection, I have introduced Grace into the earth. Grace is a gift of forgiveness, acceptance, and at-oneness, and it is a continuing offer. Through grace you can experience a relationship with Me and with your fellow humans that is quite superior to what you could achieve with your own goodness. Your friend Art can be rather disgusting on occasions, but grace allows you to accept him for what he is and for what he is in My sight. Know that I accept you in spite of your weaknesses and shortcomings, and hence, on this day, you are fresh and new in preparation for the events of this particle of earth time, carrying no guilt or shame to impede you.

THURS., JUNE 28, 1984, 6:34 AM

Faith, o son, is what is required of you this morning. Faith and trust… for you don’t have three premises in mind, and you must trust that I shall provide. It is a faith that is worthy, for I certainly shall. The premises are not new nor surprising… but you need this kind of a review and revisiting now and again.

The first premise: God the Lord is One and Supreme. There are no other gods like unto Me and no other forces that rival Me. The earth is one . . .

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