Threshold Of A New Rhythm

JAN. 18, 1981, 6:29 AM

You have found it somewhat difficult, o son, to return to this time and mode of learning. It still is easy for you to just “leave it out”, with good, rational reasons therefore. But you cannot deny the power and significance of the “books” We already have created. There is just no “going back” to life without these teachings. You may stay away for a few days, but then you shall return… and see what I, the Spirit, have to say about many aspects of the life you lead.

Today is the first day of the week, and therefore you are on the threshold of a new rhythm. You shall be back to teaching after nearly six months away from your regular classroom duties. During this time you have pursued a study, in a non-compulsive fashion, of the spiritual dimension to health. This obviously shall be part of your new rhythm… and yet you know you do not have the essence of the study in words that shall apply to each class. It would be appropriate for you to take some time today to do that.

I shall not nag you, as I could, about your slowness in getting your written paper into tangible form. You are aware of this procrastination. Just be sure that you build a time into your new rhythm for regular work on that. That is one task you must not let slide.

Your work at the Farm yesterday was clearly within the spirit of My teaching. Don’t decry the ugliness, but see the beauty underneath, and change the circumstances so that the beauty shines forth. Manage the trash, straighten, move… all with a spiritual “feel” for how it should look. How it has looked in the past is important to remember, but it shall have, under your guidance, a renewed spirit and look, combining the past with the now-present.

You must do some planning for this new rhythm, but… not too much. Some shall evolve, and you must be aware of these developments and incorporate them. Be especially aware of the time with others – colleagues, students, friends. This time can be valuable… but it also can be wasted. I cannot tell you exactly how to affect the right balance, but just know there are perils in both directions.

JAN. 18, 1981, 6:29 AM

You have found it somewhat difficult, o son, to return to this time and mode of learning. It still is easy for you to just “leave it out”, with good, rational reasons therefore. But you cannot deny the power and significance of the “books” We already have created. There is just no “going back” to life without these teachings. You may stay away for a few days, but then you shall return… and see what I, the Spirit, have to say about many aspects of the life you lead.

Today is . . .

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