
WED., MAR. 6, 1985, 9:53 AM

Time is a phenomenon of Mine, o son, for it is a part of the earth realm, and this is My creation. Time is useful in the earth, and, as I have told you, I can use it and can function within its confines and parameters. Finally, however, I am not bound by time, and My functioning is never determined by time.

Some time is obvious, whether or not “time” words are used. The seasons of the year are a representation of time. This is Spring, here, even though the calendar technically still says Winter. You can tell it is Spring, and this symbolizes the passage of time, for it clearly has been Winter. In linear terms you are into another year, 1985, supposedly the number of years since My birth as Jesus. It would be difficult to prove that it has been exactly this number of years, but you are now expected to treat this number as an absolute… this is 1985, not 1984 or 1986.

In seasonal terms time is circular. Spring follows Winter, and then comes Summer. But Summer will give way to Fall, and then there shall be Winter again. On a daily basis the hands go around the face of the clock, always returning to any place, but not remaining there. So, obviously, time is both linear and circular, and both can function very well together. This time of day will return and return, as will this season, but this particular day and date are part of linear time and will, tomorrow, be part of the past.

There is a difference of opinion among the earth’s peoples and among the great religious traditions as to whether human life is linear or circular. You are part of a culture and a tradition that affirms, often with some vehemence, that life is only linear. You are conceived, which commences your existence, you are born, you live, and you die. Then your soul, presumably created at conception, continues to live, either in ecstasy and joy with Me or in some terrible hell apart from Me. Oh, there are variations, but this is the basic dogma.

Yet I have led you to know also of circularity. Spiritual growth is the basic need, and the path along which it takes place is, finally, circular, but it usually appears linear, when you are in the earth. So I tell you that life is both linear and circular, just as the earth appears to be flat, even as it is actually round. Life exists before conception, and continues after physical death. But time is a factor only in the earth incarnations. Thus, in the totality of life, you are sometimes “in time” and sometimes “apart from time.”

Even in the earth it is possible for some persons to extract themselves from time. I want you to do this during this teaching/learning process of Ours. I insist on no clocks or watches, because I want this experience, each one, to be unbounded by time. I really mean unaffected, for I do have you “bind” this with the pre-and the post-clock readings. Sometimes you do this well, and yet at other you are thinking too much about time and its constraints… “will I have time to do _____ before I have to go _____?”

WED., MAR. 6, 1985, 9:53 AM

Time is a phenomenon of Mine, o son, for it is a part of the earth realm, and this is My creation. Time is useful in the earth, and, as I have told you, I can use it and can function within its confines and parameters. Finally, however, I am not bound by time, and My functioning is never determined by time.

Some time is obvious, whether or not “time” words are used. The seasons of the year are a representation of time. This is Spring, here, even though the calendar . . .

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