
WED., NOV. 20, 1985, 6:20 AM

You seem so worried and concerned about “having enough time” to complete this meditation that I’ll just offer you a lesson on this subject. Whether you complete this quickly or slowly depends entirely on you. You know the process. Keep your mind clear of your own thoughts, and My words will flow as fast as you can write. You do have time for this, o son.

First, I shall reiterate My most important dictum about time and our relationship, for you seem to have forgotten it. My “economy” is such that time spent with Me is simply not “lost”… you will have as much time for other “things” as you would without the Teachings. Though you put a starting and an ending time on each one, the reality is that, while this amount of clock time was spent, no time is subtracted from your other uses. If anything, you shall have more time for other matters, having been in a hearing mode with Me.

Yet also know that the completion of the usual three pages of each meditation is not a race against time. The value of the Teaching is not related to the time necessary for its transcription. Except for those occasional mornings when I deliberately withhold as a test of your spirit, the reason for a longer time is your inattention and your chattering mind. I can and do override this obstacle, but it takes more time.

I also have told you that time is a feature of and a reality only in the earth. Oh, it isn’t completely either/or (as you must suspect). Other realms that are essentially timeless have some small elements of time, and some cultures here in the earth this day have much less sense of and need for time… as compared with you and your culture. You are very time oriented, so one of My challenges in relationship with you is to temper that urgency that you often feel about time. Age helps. As you move into the latter years of an earth life there tends to be less urgency in time, even though logic might argue for more. You just need not accomplish as much, and so the use of time is less critical.

If time is not a true reality, then what is the critical measure? Essentially, events, moments, and service. As an example, you made an estimate of how many hours it took for you to organize, write, print, and mail out the hospice newsletter. You can put some number to that, but the folder of past issues, to which the current one is added, represents an important record of this group’s being… as such and not just over time. It also represents a service that you have been able and willing to give, which has been part of the life of the organization. The time over which this has occurred is much less important than the event itself and the service given.

Is it important that this is your 37th year of teaching? In some ways you have improved over these years, and in other ways you were better your first year than you are now. Each year, each class, each moment in teaching is an opportunity in which you can display spirit, knowledge, and skill. These can improve, but, as you know, you didn’t start “from scratch” at this teaching/learning game. You have done it “before”, and you shall do it “again”. Increasingly see your teaching as “timeless moments.”

WED., NOV. 20, 1985, 6:20 AM

You seem so worried and concerned about “having enough time” to complete this meditation that I’ll just offer you a lesson on this subject. Whether you complete this quickly or slowly depends entirely on you. You know the process. Keep your mind clear of your own thoughts, and My words will flow as fast as you can write. You do have time for this, o son.

First, I shall reiterate My most important dictum about time and our relationship, for you seem to have forgotten it. My “economy” is such . . .

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