Time And Money

JULY 19, 1985, 5:22 AM

This morning, o son, now that you finally have cleared your mind so that you can hear Me, I need to speak of the realities of earth life, and how these relate to the realities I favor. I have created the earth, and, obviously, the creation process continues. So in a final sense I am responsible for what has been created. I have not lost control… though from a legalistic religious position it certainly appears that I have.

I have deemed time necessary for earth life. Not all inhabitants of this sphere calculate time in the same exact way, though the presence or absence of the sun is the main feature of daily time, and the seasons for a longer perspective. Could earth life function without the concept of time? Of course, but it would be quite different than the life you experience now.

Time gives perspective to events, but it also can be restrictive. Some qualities of experiences are lost or never developed because of too much concern for time. You are often overly focused on time. I urge you to be more discerning as to when responsibility means being time conscious, and when you need to relax and just enjoy life experiences without considerations of time. I know that I sometimes urge you to complete a task by a certain time, and when I do so you must pay attention and try to do as I wish. At the same time I say that Our relationship is timeless and is not going to be damaged by any failure to meet a time deadline. As you were observing last evening, true friendships are not determined by time. And Ours is a true friendship.

I basically created time, but money is a human invention that I have allowed. It substitutes for the exchange of tangible products… and of time. Many people are paid for the work they do, by the hour, so that time must be measured carefully so that the money paid is in the right proportion to the time spent. Some products are “worth” more money because they are old, while others are worth more as they are new. And “old” and “new” are partly determined by time.

My Kingdom cannot be purchased. I smile, sometimes, at the efforts of some servants of Mine to raise money for My benefit. I know that it seems important to raise a certain large sum of money so that numbers of people may watch a service of worship and praise on television. Oh, I can use such a performance, and I do, but it certainly is not essential to My “Success” here in the earth, and it is both funny and sad to observe the efforts that go into such productions.

I certainly am aware that you become overly concerned about money at certain times. (Here is the juxtaposition again.) I appreciate the feelings of responsibility these concerns represent, but I say again that they also often represent excessive concern for self and lack of faith in Me to provide what you need.

JULY 19, 1985, 5:22 AM

This morning, o son, now that you finally have cleared your mind so that you can hear Me, I need to speak of the realities of earth life, and how these relate to the realities I favor. I have created the earth, and, obviously, the creation process continues. So in a final sense I am responsible for what has been created. I have not lost control… though from a legalistic religious position it certainly appears that I have.

I have deemed time necessary for earth life. Not all inhabitants of this sphere . . .

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