Time And Tasks

FRI., SEPT. 6, 1996, 6:41 AM

It is almost Fall, and some of your Fall tasks have appeared and “commenced”. Your classes are going well, but it does take more time to prepare for the kinds of classes you want to have. Your responsibilities and opportunities are piling up, and, of course, there’s no respite in the near future. You are here with Me, and that must continue to be a priority, for this spirit-life is that which is eternal and of most value.

Your “counseling day” on Wednesday was a unique one. It brought satisfactions, but it also was time-consuming. You are not naturally comfortable with such situations, for you don’t perceive yourself as a counselor, but you did rather well, being honest about yourself and the situations. You listened, and you responded, and what you did and said was generally well-received.

Your back-to-back music presentations were good enough, given that you practice very little, after all of these years of singing and playing. It’s clear that you won’t get any better, and so taking time to practice will not be a worthy use of this earth limitation. Remember that as you age, and are obviously old in the eyes of these students of yours, what you do with music becomes even more unusual and unexpected, a kind of balance to the actual “quality” of the performance. And, yes, you should do the human/spiritual interacting “program” for the Foundations class this coming week or the next. They should appreciate this as a unique form of health education.

The new list remains, with nothing accomplished and more tasks to be added. Each has an importance to Me, as well as to you. Don’t waste time, but consider, also, that this is not a time in your life on this earth (this time) when you should have no rest and relaxation. The rhythm (hey, I haven’t used that term in a while!) slows down, and the balancing must be adjusted. Know that I’m with you when rebalancing is necessary.

If you have faith in Me and in My assurances to you it should not be surprising that money is coming into you (well, back to you) now. You and Lenore have “invested” in your children and their families, and some of that investment is now coming back. But you needn’t change your basic view – if you don’t expect it to come back when it is “loaned” you’ll avoid some unnecessary disappointments. If some does come back accept it as an unexpected gift, from Me as well as from the son. You know you didn’t repay, and this hasn’t been a burden on your parents. Karma can be a this-life law, as well as one over lifetimes.

It isn’t on your list, but one of My priorities, as you know, is Our Ruminations, and this month is skipping along at a good pace. You know what I want, and that it will take a bit more time than usual, including this “other source”. So I want you to be working on this so that it doesn’t become onerous at the end of the month.

Most of the items on your list are quite worthwhile, so I’ll not go further with priorities. You know, already, that you must balance these with your gardening and husbandry, and to feel “burdened” is not good (even if you are). Life, particularly as you’re living it now, should be a song… or a dance… rather than a burdensome slog. Remember the slogan/truth that you and I developed early in your working and family life – if what you’re doing is important and worthwhile don’t worry about all that you are not doing… that you could otherwise be doing.

FRI., SEPT. 6, 1996, 6:41 AM

It is almost Fall, and some of your Fall tasks have appeared and “commenced”. Your classes are going well, but it does take more time to prepare for the kinds of classes you want to have. Your responsibilities and opportunities are piling up, and, of course, there’s no respite in the near future. You are here with Me, and that must continue to be a priority, for this spirit-life is that which is eternal and of most value.

Your “counseling day” on Wednesday was a unique one. It brought . . .

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