Time And Timelessness

JUNE 27, 1980, 6:10 AM

You have been trying to think of the relationship between time and timelessness, o son. It is very difficult for anyone in your culture… and you, especially… to do this. You know, now, that you have had some thoughts, but your mind is blank at this time. Good. I shall try to give you some help, but it just will not be very clear.

I exist both in time and timelessness. You know that I speak to you in terms of days, weeks, months, years. This is reality for you, so I speak in this reality. When I exist in you I feel the reality of time. Still, the reality of timelessness is that in which I operate best. You can only have glimpses of it. Picture yourself in a small, clearly defined room. It has one window, high on one wall. If you exert yourself and jump you can get a glimpse of a limitless meadow and forest outside. It is in contrast to your circumscribed room. It takes effort to glimpse it that doesn’t seem worthwhile. It is a little frightening to think of venturing out into that beyond… yet, it is occasionally enticing.

It is easier to say to you that I am not limited in space than it is to make the same affirmation about time. I exist and function and Am in all places, in the earth and beyond, simultaneously. I speak to you for this hour, (see, I can talk in terms of time), and it is clear to you that I am with you. Yet I am everywhere else, functioning in an incredible number of ways while I do this with you. You can understand this, barely.

You can, in imagination, project yourself into many situations, past and present. Even though it still seems chronological you can be immediately in Long Beach, at the Farm, in Maryland, in Japan… even places you never have been, with people you just create.

The closest you can come to timelessness is in the experiences with people that you have not seen in some time. You know there has been a space of several years, but that seems to disappear as relationship is restored, in person, and continues abuilding.

JUNE 27, 1980, 6:10 AM

You have been trying to think of the relationship between time and timelessness, o son. It is very difficult for anyone in your culture… and you, especially… to do this. You know, now, that you have had some thoughts, but your mind is blank at this time. Good. I shall try to give you some help, but it just will not be very clear.

I exist both in time and timelessness. You know that I speak to you in terms of days, weeks, months, years. This is reality for you, so . . .

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