Time… And… Timelessness

FRI., OCT. 2, 1998, 12:27 PM

A little while ago you had to decide how to utilize these middle hours of this day. You made a choice to come here and have a Teaching, which I applaud as a fine choice. Then you were caught in a slow line of traffic, and you began to feel frustrated that “something was “stealing” your time”. So… yes… you still are in a realm and culture that values… and even overvalues… time, and, personally, you still are quite time oriented. I am trying to help you move away from this, but it’s “slow going” (to use a “time” term).

It is difficult for you, but I do see some progress in envisioning realms where time is either non-existent or of little importance. In this Emeritus meeting this morning you noted a good deal of recognition of days, dates, months, and times… clock times. You still accept that all of this is necessary if a meeting is to be held, with appropriate people there, and if definite plans are to be made for future events and appointments. And yet you are clearly less concerned about times, dates, and days than several to many of those present, particularly those taking responsibilities.

The earth is a realm in which time can be important. Many humans, in cultures different from yours, have much less “dependence” on time than you have… and they simply live life differently, as a result. Cultures that have this as a characteristic tend to be less developed and more “primitive”… less committed to progress and “development”. As I see Earth life, from My incredibly wide and deep perspective I can’t say that life in such cultures is better… or worse than it is in yours… just different.

It definitely is a challenge to a spirit to move out of a timeless realm and into a culture such as yours. It is difficult to “succeed” in your culture, even in academic learning, without some acceptance of the reality and importance of time. And… when you have accepted and valued time, it is hard to modify this dependence or give it up. For, yes, it becomes a dependence, sometimes useful and sometimes burdensome.

Obviously, there is a “physical” basis for time – the movement of the Earth around the sun, which, in latitudes such as yours and somewhat nearer to a Pole, makes for “seasons”. There are a number of names for this month, but it is rather clearly one in the autumn season. In more tropical climates the reality of these “seasons” is much less evident. Also there is the movement of the earth on its own axis, which results in times of light (days) and of dark (night), as well as the often delightful times of dawn and dusk.

Timelessness obviously cannot deny the reality of day and night… of summer and winter. In timelessness these realities are recognized, but not valued excessively. There are consequences, however one perceives time. If you don’t feed the rabbits before dark you either must use a flashlight or let them be hungry until dawn. You judge when it is time to kill and dress a rabbit by size rather than by time of life. (And you do consider that it probably would be better to do it by time, for tenderness sake.)

Timelessness thus is not an absolute, but more of an attitude. Now I am urging you to take fewer responsibilities, thus having more “time” that is not scheduled. Remember My suggestion of not wearing your watch on certain “non-scheduled” days and trying to consider time as little as possible. I say it again. You notice, however, that I also want you to experience 3 or 4 of thee Teaching each week… within a span of 7 days. I also want you to write and send out a Ruminations in each 3 months, by the calendar. I sometimes applaud your making a list of what should be accomplished on a day or in a week.

FRI., OCT. 2, 1998, 12:27 PM

A little while ago you had to decide how to utilize these middle hours of this day. You made a choice to come here and have a Teaching, which I applaud as a fine choice. Then you were caught in a slow line of traffic, and you began to feel frustrated that “something was “stealing” your time”. So… yes… you still are in a realm and culture that values… and even overvalues… time, and, personally, you still are quite time oriented. I am trying to help you move away from this . . .

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