Time As Reality

SAT., JULY 16, 1988, 6:40 AM

Reluctant you were to come to this time of teaching and learning this morning. The deciding factor seemed to be that you “have time” today, with nothing pressing to do. Yet I have told you repeatedly that the time you spend with Me is never “lost”… that there is, mystically, as much time to do other earth tasks as if you had not offered this time from your life. Consider this time factor, as an aspect of reality, as the theme for your next Ruminations. Your “schedule” for traveling suggests that you shall have to compose this within the next month.

I have told you that time is an important factor in the reality of earth life, but is not ultimate reality. I have just given you an assignment to write, produce, and mail another nine page letter in the month ahead. Why is it important that this be completed within this “quarter” of the year, so that there will be four issues, coming rather regularly during the year? Well, it isn’t absolutely critical, for you just mailed out the last of the Spring letters yesterday, and there has been no horrendous punishment. You are in an earth life now, in a culture that is quite time-oriented, and you have accepted promptness as a rather high personal value, so I just use this for My present purposes.

You know the verse, “Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and tomorrow.” In your culture this is interpreted as a statement of My stability over time… that the truth that I, as Jesus, expressed near 2,000 years ago is as true today as it was then, and that it was truth long before “then.” Another interpretation could be that in Jesus Christ yesterday, today, and tomorrow are all the same. In the spiritual sense you are experiencing truth “the same” as those 100 years ago, 3,000 years ago, and those 1,000 years in the future. Truth has not culminated in this generation, but neither was it more present in what you conceive as the past nor will it be in the future.

Lenore will be remembering birth days this week. Birthdays are important remembrances of birth into the earth, but the focus on “how old you are now” is strictly an earth phenomenon, and is of no importance. The critical question is “What are you doing with your life?” and not “How long have you lived?” When your earth life is over you shall see that the length of your life is important only in terms of spiritual growth, not in terms of earth accomplishments. And spiritual growth is rather rarely steady and even throughout life. Rare is the person who grows spiritually through a safe, uneventful life, however long. Rather it more often is in times of stress and danger of some sort that spirit leaps forward. Be aware of such opportunities. Accept as many as you can.

I have told you repeatedly, however, that if you miss an opportunity it shall return, in some form, if it is an important one. This, you see, is a negation of time, for earth wisdom says that once it is past it is gone. All important opportunities continue to recur, just as if there were no time factor. Letters that you have put off writing may not have the effect, written “now”, that they would have had “then”… but it may be just as significant. Apologize minimally for not doing things “on time.”

SAT., JULY 16, 1988, 6:40 AM

Reluctant you were to come to this time of teaching and learning this morning. The deciding factor seemed to be that you “have time” today, with nothing pressing to do. Yet I have told you repeatedly that the time you spend with Me is never “lost”… that there is, mystically, as much time to do other earth tasks as if you had not offered this time from your life. Consider this time factor, as an aspect of reality, as the theme for your next Ruminations. Your “schedule” for traveling suggests that . . .

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